Chapter One, A Warning.

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Everything had changed. Every since me and Mabel went back to our home after that summer in gravity falls everything had changed. Me and Mabel saved the entire world but back home, no one believes us. No one even cares about anything we did in Gravity Falls, even our parents eventually told us to shut up about it. When summer came around again the next year our parents wouldn't let me and Mabel go back to Gravity Falls. They said since both of our gruncles - Stan and Ford - were traveling the world now, there was no one to watch is down there. Soos wasn't an option either. So me and Mabel stayed at home that summer, doing little to nothing has we turned fourteen and went to high school.

Years passed, more summers we stayed at home, the less video chats we had with Soos and Wendy, even Gideon stopped calling Mabel. Eventually it all stopped. That was last summer, when me and Mabel turned 16, all the calls, all the messages, the letters and the contact all stopped. It so happens that that very winter, waddles passed away and Mabel almost drove herself into depression.

We were always with each other - me and Mabel - inseparable. Only problem was is that we both just finished grade 11, which meant after this summer, when we turn 17, we would be starting grade 12, and after that would be college. I am no genius on life but I'm pretty sure after grade 12, me and Mabel would have to go our separate ways.

I almost couldn't imagine life without Mabel by my side, her long brown hair and sparkling eyes hadn't changed all these years, not even her smile that reminded me everything would be ok. She was always a day of sunshine in what seemed like a hopeless dark void.

It was officially the first day of another stay at home summer and I had been lying in my bed for about an hour doing nothing just because I didn't want to get up and have to actually do things through the day. All I wanted to do was act like I was dead all day long because another summer away from my true friends felt like death to me. It was only when I heard shuffling from the room to my left when I noticed that Mabel was also just tossing around in her bed avoiding socializing just as I was.

There was a knock at my door about half an hour later and I pulled my head out from under the blanket and cleared my throat.

"Come in," I said, sitting up in my bed and looking towards the door. It was Mabel, wearing a pair of jogging pants and a pajama shirt with a CD on it. An upgrade from her old one she used to wear when we were kids. He hair was a mess of brown but she smiled with her perfect teeth. The braces paid off for sure.

"Hey, Dipper" she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"You want to come and watch Death Note with me over breakfast?" She smiled, I smiled back and nodded. When Soos was still in contact with us he gave me and Mabel a list of anime we needed to watch and we were working out way down said list. It gave us this feeling that Soos was still around and still being his weird self. I climbed out of bed and fixed my red pajama shirt and my long polkadot pajama pants and followed Mabel into the kitchen.

I made us both a bowl of Lucky Charms and we sat down on the couch and started watching where we left off. Our parents were probably at work so they wouldn't bother us about eating in the living room or eating breakfast at noon. This was something I wanted to do today, just lie around and not have to deal with the weight of life's problems.

Me and Mabel sat around all day, having snacks here and there, changing up the anime once or twice, arguing about subs or dubs... It was a great day. 9 o'clock came around and our parents had already showed up at home and left again to go to some dinner for my dad's work, and regardless of how much I sat around today I was tired.

Mabel was like an unstoppable force and was wide awake still watching Sword Art Online like a champ, but I was getting a bit heavy eyed and decided to rest my eyes for a bit. Only problem with that was I fell asleep but all in all, it wasn't to bad.

Most of my dreams were memories that played back from that first summer, the gnomes, the zombies, heck even sometimes I had dreams about Wendy and the end of the world we experienced. All just memories of happier times. Mabel woke me up at about eleven and said that she was heading to bed. I helped her clean up our day of wallowing and headed to shower. I took a quick one, got a glimpse of my short brown hair and non defined muscles and headed off to bed. I curled up under my blankets and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Dipper," Mabel called from the room over, I smiled.

"Goodnight Mabel" and with that I fell back into the depths of dream world.

It happened about half way through my dream - a recollection of our first time meeting gruncle Stan - everything went black, but stary. It looked like outer space. I was floating in the middle of it, nothing in site but stars and darkness with some shades of purple.

"Hello?" I called out, but, nothing came back, just a hallowed out echo to amplify the nothingness. I narrowed my eyebrows and looked around again, and suddenly I heard it.

A laugh that only one person possessed.

Bill Cipher.

"Bill?!" I yelled, looking everywhere quickly, trying to find out where in the world the laugh was coming from. But it sounded like it was coming from everywhere at once.

"Pine Tree, I am weak, but only getting stronger-" the voice spun around me and tightened like a boa constrictor.

"Everything is going to change, you'll see! It will all change Lil' Dippy - and there's no running from it, and there's no stopping it. The inevitable is going to happen, and when it does, not even you can stand in my way" a white flash appeared across the area and I shielded my eyes, trying to regain sight as fast as I could.

When I opened my eyes, I saw it. Something almost unexplainable. He looked like Bill, but human.

Blonde hair with his hair over one of his eyes, a cat like pupil radiating from the non covered one, a yellow sweater vest with a black long sleeve underneath along with a black bow tie, black pants with black shoes and a black top hat to match. He spun around reveling a triangle and an eye on the back of his vest too and laughed again. And then disappeared.

I shot awake in a panic, eyes flicking around the room. I was expecting to see my bed but I saw the kitchen counter and a bright light coming from the ceiling, the cold tiles under my bare feet. I raised an eyebrow and spotted my parents shaking by the kitchen entrance. My dad looked horrified and my mom was on the verge of crying. I turned to them and began to ask what happened when I looked down and saw I was standing in a pool of blood, a knife clenched in my hand as I carved symbols into my arm with it, blood pouring down onto the ground.

I screamed and dropped the knife, about to question my own sanity when I saw what was on my arm. Symbols. Letters that didn't make sense, numbers that didn't make sense. And right in the middle of my arm was a clear as day drawing of Bill Cipher himself.

Something was going on.

Everything was going to change.


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