Chapter Two, Leaving.

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I decided to talk to Mabel about my plan today. My plan to go back to Gravity Falls, regardless of what our parents said. If Bill was planning on coming back, we had to be a step ahead of him. And I knew Mabel would help me if she knew what was going on. I woke up early, around 8:30 and decided to write down our plan. We were to take a bus down to Gravity Falls tonight and find Soos, hopefully he could let us stay in the mystery shack with him, and if not me and Mabel would just find someone else. We would just need to buy time until Ford and Stan came back from their adventure. They said they'd be back mid July, and hopefully me and Mabel would be there a week in advance.

The thought of going back to Gravity Falls after this long made my stomach turn and do all sorts of things, but I knew it was what we had to do. To save the world yet again. I wasn't sure what Bill was planing, but I knew it some something serious. I thought he was supposed to be dead - or forgotten - but I know I didn't just have a freak nightmare. Something in my gut was telling me this summer shouldn't be spent at home.

I heard the front door open and close, and then the car pull out of the driveway. A waited a little longer before getting up and heading to Mabel's room. She was awake, surprisingly, sitting on her bed, nose deep in her phone.

"Mabel, stop looking at yaoi for a minute, we need to talk" I spoke, which got her attention as quickly as possible.

"I am not looking at yaoi!" She protested, locking her phone, I stared down at her phone.

"Then unlock it and show me" I said with a cocky tone, she began to stutter until she couldn't anymore and just crossed her arms, tossing her phone on her bed.

"What do you want Dipper?" She said, I cleared my throat, taking a seat at the edge of her bed.

"Listen, I had a dream last night," she looked up from her slump as I said these words.

"A dream about Bill" I finished, Mabel gasped and sat up straight, now focusing on me one hundred percent.

"He told me everything was going to change, and no he was not reading from The Maze Runner, he was serious. He said he was getting stronger and when I saw him in my dream, well," I paused, remembering his human form, his outfit, his tan skin, his blonde hair, "he was human" Mabel stopped speaking, stopped moving, stopped making noise. Mabel had just froze at my words. It was quiet for a while, until she finally spoke.

"Is that why you sliced up your arm?" She asked, I looked down at my arm, it was covered in bandages. My parents had wrapped it up as soon as they found me standing in the kitchen. Mabel was awake because of all the commotion, and saw the whole thing. I nodded towards her.

"Yes Mabel, that's why I craved into my arm. I think Bill's presence might have done something to my mind," I said, Mabel looked at me, worried.

"But I thought Bill was forgotten forever, he can't just come back, that's not how things work" she said, I gesture to behind me to nothing in particular.

"That's why we have to go back! Find Stan and Ford and get some answers!" I said, Mabel scratched her arm.

"What if it was just a nightmare that went to far?" Mabel asked me, I shook my head at her and pointed at my arm.

"Do you think just a nightmare could have caused this?" I asked, Mabel didn't talk for a while, just stared at me. She took a breath and nodded.

"Ok. We'll go" she smiled, I smiled back, feeling relief flood my body.

"I have to go get bus tickets, you need to cover for me, can you do that?" I asked, Mabel shook her head.

"No, you can't go-"

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