"I don't know. I'll tell you when I'm done." I said as I got up from the bed and walked to the door to hold it open for him to exit. He walked slowly towards the door and stopped in front of me.

"Alright. I'll give you time. Call me when you're done. I do love you, princess." He said sadly as he closed the gap with a sweet and quick peck on the lips. I nodded and he took one more look at me before he went out the door.

I sighed loudly as I closed the door and crashed onto my bed, grabbing a pillow and screaming into the plush.

I spent the whole day laying on the couch, switching through the channels as I couldn't find anything remotely interesting on cable. I checked my phone from time to time only to find a couple of texts from Aotaki, telling me that she went out after the guys had left to give me and Taehyung some privacy. I contemplated if I should call her but she beat me to it and I answered the incoming call.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, playing with my Nagisa.

"You're home, right?" She asked and I could tell she was walking by her uneven breath.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just making sure you are alright. I'll be there in 10." She said, hanging up. I looked at my phone weirdly and threw it somewhere on the couch. "I never said I was alright." I said out loud as I hugged Nagisa tighter.

Aotaki arrived at 8 PM sharp and came along with pizza and a lot of ice cream and sweets. She saw how upset I was and she popped in the DVD of my collection of Sailor Moon even though she wasn't such a big fan of it herself.

"You know, in a twisted way, this describes your relationship with Taehyung perfectly. You, being the big crybaby Usagi is, and him being the bipolar Mamoru." She said, licking off some ice cream from her spoon, nodding amazed at her realization.

"I am not a crybaby." I whined and pouted as I took a small bite of a candy bar.

"And this is supposed to convince me?" She said, pointing at my face as I was on the verge of crying.

"And you and Jimin have the perfect relationship, right?" I said with a sarcastic voice, clearly upset that she made fun of me and my boyfriend. She frowned and looked away and I knew something must have happened. "What's wrong?" I asked, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing." She played with the spoon in the almost melted ice cream.

"Tell me." I paused the anime and turned to look at her. She sighed and shifted her body on the couch to face me.

"We kinda broke up." She whispered.

"What? Why?" I let it out more surprised than it was meant to be. "I thought you were happy." I placed my hand on hers, squeezing it a little for comfort.

"Yeah, well I thought that too. But apparently I wasn't enough for him." She mumbled as a tear slipped down her cheek. "He cheated on me, Rei. And with the club's bartender. That slut is so gonna pay." She let out a broken sob.

"I'm so sorry." I gently said as I pulled her into a hug. She started crying on my shoulder, her sobs getting louder and louder and her tears soaking my shirt but I didn't mind. She needed a friend and I was glad to be there and help. "Do you want to talk about it?" I whispered and she shook her head, violently. "Alright. It's okay. Just let it all out." I said, rubbing her back.

After a while, she calmed down and we leaned back on the couch, side by side and sighed in unison. We were both single in a matter of 10 hours and both broken inside. At least we had each other.

"How was the talk with Taehyung?" She asked after a while.

"Not good. He though I was cheating on him." I laughed bitterly. "We're on a break." I mumbled. My phone vibrated and lighted up on the table and I stretched to grab it, reading the notification. It was a text message.

From Kookie:

I heard about you and Tae. Call me if you need to talk.

I smiled at the text and Aotaki looked at me, curious about who it was.

"Jungkook. He wanted to know if I am okay." I informed her as I texted him back, telling him that we'd talk the next day.

"You two are really close, huh?" She looked at me questionably, wiggling her brows.

"Oh my God, I already told you. We are just friends." I sighed, frustrated by her constant implying.

"Right. You don't find him attractive at all?" She questioned, grinning.

"Well, yeah, he is cute and loving and hot but-" I said but she caught me off.

"There you go. You can't date him, you know that, right? If Taehyung finds out you have a crush on Jungkook, his kindred, he's gonna kill you." She stated, amused by my situation.

"What? No, I don't have a crush on him." I squealed and cleared my throat. "I don't know why my voice is so high but I don't like him that way." I continued, managing to keep my voice steady.

"Sure, you don't." She responded sarcastically as she bit into her slice of pizza, looking at the TV.

"Oh My God! I hate you! Now, you make me question myself." I said loud enough for her to grimace annoyed. "No. We are just friends. Besides, I love Taehyung." I took deep breaths to calm down.

"Whatever makes you sleep better at night..." She mumbled and I could feel my blood boil.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I shouted, frustrated because if she thought I had feelings for Jungkook than maybe Taehyung thought so as well and wasn't true. She started laughing at me and I frowned, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Because it's fun messing with your mind. God, you're so weak..." She laughed and sighed at the end.

"I really hate you..." I mumbled and got up from the couch to enter my room and do my routine before I went to sleep. 

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