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"One more week?" They scoffed, "You've dragged it for three weeks already old man!" They shouted.

"Hey-" I tried to intervene but someone familiar beat me to it. He walked through the garage and stood right in front of my dad. Why is he here? I thought he is a professor...

"One more week?" He started, "So one more week of added interest then. Even if I give you the time, do you have the money?" He waited for my dad to answer. "Don't say things too easily if you can't keep that promise"

I have to help my dad. Whatever the amount is, or how much it amounted to. I Just have to help him get through it today.

"Leave my dad alone" I walked up to them. "He said one week, professor Hutton"

"Oooh, Christian, she's your student? She's got guts!" One of them blew whistle to me. "Smart in class but dumb and reckless now" Prof. Hutton looked into my eye.

"Christian, let's just end this. There's too much talking and negotiations isn't what we are here for" One of his another men took his own liberty to grabbed my father by his collar. Angered, I quickly went over and threw my bag at his face, then quickly gave him a kick in the thigh. I would have gone for the nuts though, I just missed the spot by a few inches.

"You little-" He grabbed my hair and pushed me down the floor.

"Ena!" My father shouted and quickly kneeled to help me up. I get up again and tried kicking him right at the spot where I missed; tried punching his face too but the two guys stopped me and held my wrist tight. They laughed, "A girl trying to beat four guys up. Aren't you a little too brave?" One of them asked.

"Fuck-" I started but dad cut me off.

"Leave my daughter alone. You promised not to be here at this time. You knew exactly she'd be here"

"We promised and we kept our word for three weeks, Mr. Narelle. However, you didn't" Prof. Hutton butted in. "You didn't want to worry her, but how long can you hide it from her?" He asked.

This isn't going anywhere.

"I will pay the debt owed by one week. Give me one week" I said to Prof. Hutton; because obviously, 1) I can't speak to the three men because they are just all about the muscles and no brains and 2) Prof. Hutton sounds like the 'leader' amongst them.

He looked at me amused.

"Don't get involved in this Ena" My father quickly warned and kneeled in front of Prof. Hutton. "Don't get her involve, please" He begged. "Just give me one week. I will keep my promise this time. Please" He continued begging.

Dad... why.... To this men....

Prof. Hutton pondered over it for a moment. "One week, Mr. Narelle. That is all you have left" He said, then walked away. With the three men following him behind.


Six days later:

I am desperate. Desperate for money.

I knew my dad situation. He barely have any savings left. Even if I were to give him all my savings, it wouldn't be enough. It was obvious, that their interest could sky rocket that high. But why was my dad desperate enough to borrow money from them?

I am left with one more day and I still couldn't find any way to raise that amount of money. How do I-

"Hello there, pretty" A male around the street started speaking to me. "With your face and body like that, you could just be a pole dancer in our club" He leaned in, "It pays well too" He added.

Pays well?

"How well?" I dared, irritated. "Will I get to earn 150 bucks per hour?"

He smiled, "We don't count by the hour but...You could earn up to or more than 8000 bucks per dance if you are highly sought for. One dance is 3 minutes"


Now I might be 'dumb and reckless' like how Prof. Hutton had put it, but....

"It's just dancing right?"

"Why don't you come in? It'll give you a better understanding of the job scope"

I laughed, "Please, don't make it sound like as if it's a high position or- holy fuck, you mean dance around the pole in lingerie?" I stopped and looked at those girls standing on the stage, twirling, twerking, and getting up on the poles doing all sorts of moves.

"Men love it. You can't deny that" He said. "Look at them, throwing their money at the girls as if-"

"I get it" I cut him off. I don't need him to explain it further. I see it, and I see those money on the stage. A piece of paper that have high value. Not one... but uncountable.

"They won't grope you or anything right?" I asked James-- yes I just found out his name is James.

"They will, if you let them. If you don't, they can't. It's a rule in this club"

"I'm in. Can I start work now?" I asked too eagerly. His eyes bulged out as if he had just heard an insane woman speak.

"You- You are so interesting..." He said, "But, Sure. Get to the back and ready yourself. I'll arrange for someone to call you out soon. You'll start at night and right now, you have two hours left"

This might be my only chance.


I ended the night with sore hips, back pain and aches. While I hated how those men ogled, I managed to earn 3000 bucks today. At this rate, all I need is-

"So this is your way of earning money" A familiar figure stood, leaned onto the bricks of the wall.

I recognised his voice- Prof. Hutton. "Why do you care" I laughed.

"I don't" He said. "But your dad might be disappointed"

"Oh no don't you dare start bringing my dad in when you are the ones who cornered him" I argued. "Give me three weeks. I'll definitely pay you all the money he owed" I glee.

"And you think I'd agree to give your family another three weeks?" He asked. "I think you need to remember that I am the one in control here and I am not about to do any negotiations with you, Ms. Narelle" His voice spoke dangerously.

My heart stopped for a moment. Here I am foolishly thinking that he would be 'kind' enough to give me more time after knowing about my job but right now... if he insist on one week, there's no way I could pay him back within the one day left.

There is a way though but... must I really resort to this? It's stupid.

"Buy me then" I said and he looked at me as if I was insane.

"Buy me with the amount of money my dad owes you" My voice shook but I tried not to let it sound too obvious. Have I really just said that? What the actual fuck am I even thinki-

"Okay" He said.

Wait, what?



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