I looked over at Cassie, my face forming a small scowl. "I do NOT drool!"

Cassie laughs "Yeah babe, you do!"

Alex looked between us, waiting for our banter to finish before jumping in. "Kelly you been holding back. I need to know everything, now!"

"Don't ask her." Cassie yelled as she shifted herself to face Alex "She's full of shit. Let me tell you what happened."

And that's what she did. Without even waiting for a response from Alex, Cassie started talking animatedly all about Konnor.

The K's for Kelly, apparently, "it's a thing"


I walked into work the next day in a much better mood, I had a date that night and things in my life were looking up, all I needed to do now was make up with Josh.

"Hey Josh" I sang as I walked into his corner office. "I brought you a muffin. One of Alex's homemade ones. These things are pretty rare!"

Josh looked over at the brown paper bag that I placed on his desk, debating whether or not to accept the muffin and with that my apology or stay strong and insist I'm a hopeless pushover.

"Fine. You got me." He grumbled, reaching over for the paper bag. "You know I'm a sucker for one of these."

I nodded my head slowly, a smile forming on my face. "I know."

"Look K." Josh said as he fiddled with the muffin in his hands. "I was only looking out for you yesterday. I never meant to sound so mean!"

"I know" I said, bending over to kiss his cheek. "That's why you get a muffin."

Josh smiled, taking a hefty bite out of the pastry before flashing me a thumbs up. I smiled back satisfied with how things worked out and turned around to leave, after all I had work to get down. Apparently being friends with the boss doesn't get you out of actually having to work to keep your job.

"Wait K!"

I turned back around, another smile spreading across my face, "you're only getting one muffin."

Josh looked confused for a second but quickly realized what I was referring to - as the muffin was still resting in his hand. "I know. I just wanted to ask you if you were free tonight?"

"Nope." I said casually, immediately feeling bad at how easily the lie slipped out of my mouth. I didn't like lying to Josh but at the same time I didn't really want to tell him the truth either, I guess that's why I shrugged my shoulders and went on with: "Alex again. She's only got a few days!"









"Get out?"


"If all you're going to do is fight. Then get out!"

Alex and Cassie looked at each other before both sighing in defeat.

"Good, now Cassie go sit on my bed." I said as I pointed at the pillow covered mattress. "And Alex come help me, I'm wearing my hair down."


Cassie stuck her tongue out at Alex and then fell back into my mountain of pillows. "It looks better up."

I rolled my eyes before handing my brush and blow dryer to Alex. I do usually look better with my hair up, but that's just because I have no clue how to style the damn thing. But with Alex here - the master manipulator when it comes to hair - I really had nothing to worry about.

I felt her sit behind me and start up the hot tool. Tugging at strands of my hair as she started to style them. Within minutes she was blowing, brushing, clipping, and curling; keeping my back to the mirror and having me wait patiently for her to be finished before opening my eyes to see the master piece she had created.

It went still after a while. No more blow dryers, brushes or hot irons pulling at my hair. Not even any talking or banter between my friends. Just silence.

"Uh." I probed, "can I open my eyes?"

Cassie let out a low giggle "Not yet Kells. I'm going to do your makeup!"

My eyes flew open at her words, not even bothering to turn and look in the mirror. "No you're not. You know how particular I am!"

"That's the point." Cassie groaned, "you have to branch out a little! Please let me Kells. Don't you trust me?"

I stared at my friend, debating whether or not to take the risk and let the monster have a go at my face. I really wanted to say no, but I couldn't help thinking that maybe she was right. Maybe I did need to "branch out".

"Ugh fine."

Cassie squealed

"But keep it simple"

Now she was jumping

"And no contouring! Natural!"

Cassie nodded excitedly before going over and grabbing my makeup bag. Stopping along the way to grab Alex's face and plant a kiss on her forehead – right in between her eyebrows.

Alex stood shocked for a good ten seconds before being taken over by a fit of laughter. "What was that Cas?"

Why was I letting this girl near my face?

Cassie giggled as she started dipping, blending and swiping. Instructing me where to look and how to breath as she tried to make sure that everything came out perfectly. Finally, fifteen minutes later I was finally allowed to open my eyes.

I turned around to look at the mirror that hung on my wall and stared at the girl in the mirror. Her hair fell in perfect waves around her face; brushing her rosy cheeks just lightly as they fell to her shoulders. Her wide almond shaped eyes were covered in makeup, creating a grown up and sultry stare.

Honestly, I couldn't believe that it was me, that I was the girl in the mirror.

"Never in my life have I felt so beautiful." I mumbled as I twirled a strand of fallen hair. "Thank you!"

Cassie laughed as she hugged me from behind. "Go get on your ball gown, disguised as jeans and a blouse Kelly, your prince is coming."


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