Chapter 6

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"You're delusional." I shot as I stuffed things into my bag. "And wrong."

"Am I though?" Alex asked casually, watching me as I raced around my tiny office.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Josh just got out of a committed relationship!"

Alex pondered this for a moment but just ended up shrugging "So?"

I was about to reply when my cell phone buzzed. I quickly shot Alex another quick glare before reaching into my bag and pulling it out.

Hey beautiful. Busy tonight?

"Who's that from?"

I looked up to find Alex leaning over my shoulder, reading the text from Connor.

"Just this guy" I mumbled, shrugging his text off like it was nothing. Even though beneath my collected composure my heart was rapidly racing and begging to beat out of my chest/

"Ooh, Josh is going to be so jealous!"

I didn't even respond to Alex this time, her story making habits were leading nowhere good, and I by no means wanted to support the obsessive hobby.

"Let's just leave." I groaned, grabbing my bag from the ground beside me. "I already texted Cassie to let her know we're coming - she's waiting."

"With a salad?"


An hour later we were all sitting in mine and Cassie's apartment, the TV blaring before us as we munched on the meal Cassie had prepared for lunch – and yes, it included a salad.

I looked down at my phone to check the time, to find Connors text still untouched, waiting for a response.

Was I busy tonight? Alex wouldn't mind would she? But chicks before dicks, and it's been weeks since I've seen her.

Sorry but I can't tonight. Rain check?

I quickly sent the text before I could rethink my decision; although I knew I wanted to hang out with Alex tonight, it wasn't very often that a handsome man offered me a date and I couldn't help feeling stupid for cancelling what might have been my only chance with Connor – but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Moments later I got a text back; You owe me a date. Tomorrow night make sure you're free.

My heart beat sped up fast as I read his words. He was flirting – he was so obviously flirting – were Connor and I dating now? Were we a thing?

"What's with the stupid grin?"

Alex's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. She was sitting across from me, staring on as I stared down at my phone.

"Wha-" I began, but unfortunately was quickly interrupted by a grinning Alex.

"Does it have to do with that text earlier?"

"What text earlier?" Cassie asked.

Alex looked over at Cassie, a playful glint in her eyes. "Hey beautiful, you busy tonight?" She lowered her voice when saying it, trying to sounds as manly as possible.

I rolled my eyes, trying to play it all off as no big deal. "It was just a stupid text from Connor, Cassie. Nothing to get excited about." The words sounded foreign in my mouth, since when did I shrug off cute texts from Connor? I was the girl who obsessed, not really the laid back type.

"Stupid text from Connor?" Cassie asked, clearly not believing that I was really as calm as I was making myself out to be. "God, Alex this girl is quite the actress. Usually when he texts, she drools!"

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