The TRUE Definition of a Writer

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From a journal entry on April 22, 2016

Writer's write, yes, but they also...

• Worry

• Procrastinate

• Stress

• Get depressed

• Feel guilty for not having done enough

• Wonder if they'll ever measure up to the perfect (skewed) image of themselves

• Constantly second-guess themselves

• Find every excuse not to write

• Find every excuse to drink coffee/tea

* Get too wrapped up in the minutiae of other things—marketing, publishing, networking, etc.—that are not writing

• Worry too much about the details instead of getting their work done and out into the world

• Seek validation, but can never get enough of it

• Often wish they were some other, more "successful" writer

* Worry too much about becoming a bestseller instead of a bestwriter

• Always have enough ideas for a lifetime of books, but are too afraid to commit them to paper and see where they lead

• Let fear stop them from their greatness

• Let fear rob them of the joy of writing "just because" and out of a sense of—and desire for—discovery

• Never take enough time for themselves

• Are always aware of their many shortcomings

• Are hardly, if ever, aware of their worth, not only as writers but as human beings

* Take themselves too seriously

* Love supporting other writers, without realizing that they also need to give themselves the same support

* Rely too much on "the Muse" or inspiration, when they should instead draw them out by writing

* Forget that, sometimes, they don't have to write or feel guilty about not writing

There are many others, but you get the idea. If these describe you, congratulations! You're a writer! But remember this: Don't let this list define you. *Who you allow yourself to become in the face of these qualities is what ultimately defines you as a writer.

Now, go forth and write, leaving the rest behind.

Be brave!

Thanks so much for reading, commenting, voting, and for offering any encouragement to myself and any other "writing failures" out there! I appreciate your support.

Note: The *d ones are the ones that stood out most to me.

Confessions of a (Self-Professed) Writing FailureWhere stories live. Discover now