howlers part 2

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(Dimitiri's POV)

        I sat on the couch, my girlfriend beside me.  She was talking about something in some magazine I really didn't care about.  It was hard to pretend to listen when your mind was elsewhere, fighting with itself, racing.  'Who was that wolf?'  Who ever it was they were beautiful.  I've never seen such pale brow eyes, it was kind of tan.  It was an odd color but it was breath taking when matched with the reddish brown fur, amazing.  I shook my head.  Why was I thinking that when I already had my mate?  She was in my arms.  I glanced at her.  She was a small little thing, I towered over her by over a foot.  She was petite on five feet tall.  She had long bright blond hair, hazel eyes, a relatively good figure but her voice was a little high pitched and it was clear her tan was fake.  It was more orange than brown.  I would over look these little things because she was my mate.  She wasn't perfect but she was still mine.  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.  What i didn't understand was why I was so turned on by that wolf.  Only biting our mates does that but I already had mine.  I mean sure I haven't bit her, nor have I even told her my secret, but still I knew she was supposed to be mine. 

"Dimi!"  I jumped when I heard my sister's voice.  I let go of Tara, moderately grateful for my sister's neediness.  "Dimi!  Hurry!...Shit!"  I sighed, "Astrid, where are you?"  There was a bang and some clattering followed by a quiet reply.  "The kitchen..."  When I made my way to the kitchen I sighed again.  It was a mess.  There were pots and pans everywhere, some glass, and a bowl with a beige substance which I assumed was batter of some sort.  "Astrid, what happened?"  She looked up at me sheepishly.

         My sister wasn't blood related, we adopted her not long after she was born.  She was such a cute South Korean baby.  She had messy and jaggedly cut short black hair.  Her pale skin was completely different from our tanned skin, and she was relatively short.  She was a small scrawny sixteen year old and I was always protecting her in school.  Nobody messed with her because of her big brother.  I was two years older and looked down at her little five foot two body.  Her blue eyes, contact, met mine.  "I was trying to make cake but...," her voice trailed off.  I crossed my arms, "But what?"  She began to nervously play with the bottom of her shirt.  "Spi..."  I couldn't her the rest, I raised and eyebrow.  "Louder sis', I can't hear you."  Suddenly Astrid squealed, climbing onto the counter.  "Spider!  There!  Kill it!"   I chuckled and went to stomp on the small, black, jumping spider.  Once dead I scooped it up and threw it in the garbage.  "My hero!"  Astrid jumped off the counter and embraced me, I held her close.  "Ahem..."  Looking towards the door I saw Tara, looking none too pleased.  I let go of my sister who proceeded to clean her mess she  had made.  Dimitri come here."  Slowly I made my way to my girlfriend.  Quietly we argued a little.  "What was that?"  Now I was confused, "What was what?"  Tara bit the inside of her lip, she did this when she was angry and aggravated.  "The hugging thing."  My brow furrowed,  "You mean me accepting gratitude from my sister?"  Tara shook her head, clearly not happy with my answer.  "She isn't really your sister.  Please don't do that again.  I glared at her, "She is my sister and I will hug her if I want to."  Tara just shook her head and turns, walking off.  Frowning I followed her all the way to her car.  "Baby wait..."  She stops before opening the door, "What?"  I grab he hand of the handle and hold it tightly.  "I'm sorry.  I won't do it again, I promise."  She turned to me and smiled a little, "It's OK Dimitri.  Why don't you just make it up to me later?"  I forced a smile, "Sure babe."


      'What's going on?'  Tara pushed me down onto her bed and got on top of me.  Her lips crashed down on mine and it took all my will power to not push her away.  By now usually I'd be loosing control, but now I couldn't wait to leave.  I watched as Tara inched down my body and began to pull my pants off.  She got one look at me and frowned as I sighed.  She gripped me and began to pump, we sat there for a few minutes until I pushed her away.  "It's not going to work Tara.  I'm sorry."  Tara's face fell and she got up from the bed.  "You never had a problem getting it up.  What gives?"  She was right, I never did have a problem with that.  I was always ready to go.  I did have a problem though whenever I thought of her.  Instead of turning me on the thought of her disgusted me.  "Well?"  I shrugged, "I don't know Tara, maybe next time alright?" She began to angrily gather her things.  "I'll call you babe.  Tara I'm sorry."  Slam.  An amazing response to get from your girlfriend.

         My thought wandered to the clearing so after I left her house.  Such a beautiful wold.  Who was it anyway?  I know it was a Darks but I still didn't have no idea who.  They helped me, whoever they were.  I shuddered and held my hand.  That bite.  It was amazing, such an understatement.  There were no words to describe how it made me feel.  It was better than anything I have ever felt it...Shit... Why did this turn me on so much?

Howlers xX(BOYXBOY)XxTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon