"'Sup to you, too." His sister responded non-chalantly.

"What happened?"

Thalia's brows furrowed. "Huh?"

The son of lightning sat on his bunk bed, right across his sister's as he leaned in, his elbows resting on his knees and his legs spread wide. "Why was Nico in our cabin? What happened between you two? And why are you all smiling and acting like everything is fine and dandy despite all the things that happened today? Did something happen between you and di Angelo?"

Thalia's expression was bland and expressionless, but the pink streaks on her cheeks was evident. Jason blinked several times, wondering if what he was seeing was real or not.

"Oh, we just talked."

"Oh, really?" Jason tantalized her.

There was a gap of ten seconds before she answered. "We talked about the issue with the Athena Parthenos, and who or what was behind all of this." Thalia explained.

"Funny, we were talking about that in the Hermes cabin. Why weren't the two of you there?"

Thalia stood up. "I can't tell you.That matter was between me and Nico and between the two of us only." She pressed.

Jason stared at her for ten good seconds until he spoke up. "Is this something serious? And if something happened between the two of you other than talking, I swear to Jupiter, I will find out about it."

Thalia hesitated for a moment and sighed.

Jason stood up from his bed. "For the love of Jupiter! Something really happened between the two of you besides having a professional conversation, weren't you?"

"What? No!"

He smiled mischievously. "Denial."

Thalia poked him on his chest with her index finger. "Innocent until proven guilty."

Jason tilted his head a bit, as if he was scrutinizing Thalia's features. "Huh, its actually surprising that you would fall for a son of Hades."

Thalia's brows knitted once more. "I am a Hunter of Artemis and I will never break that oath."

Then she stormed off the cabin.

Jason whistled, knowing that he won that argument. "Okay, Mrs. di Angelo."

He crashed into his bed, not bothering to take his shoes off or change into comfy clothes. All he could ever think of was sleep; and sleep only. He closed his eyes as he drowned into a deep and dreary slumber.

Big mistake.

Somewhere, in a place that is seemingly eerie and dark for Jason's liking, there stood a blonde girl and a black-haired boy. They were both covered with dirt and soot and gore. Their clothes were tattered and untidy. Their faces looked pale that its starting to creep the McShizzle out of him, with dark and big, puffy circles under their eyes; their lips dry and chapped.

They were looking at something horrifying tall, judging from the angle of their heads. As Jason squinted to see who the people were, his breath hitched.

"My coin was followed by the statue, Percy." Annabeth, the blonde, said to the black-haired boy.

"I'm not sure if that's feasible, Wise Girl." Percy said, though his facial expressions gave away that he doubted his own answer.

"In this world were living in, everything is possible."

"Possible and feasible are entirely two different words, with entirely two different meanings. The Athena Parthenos is way to enormous to follow a silver drachma. Why didn't Leo and the others notice that it's gone? How did it able to get through despite that this place is surrounded with rocks and other elements?"

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now