Sleepy Bradley? ;) - Chapter 7

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I sighed happily and looked at Brad. He were asleep with my hand in his. He had his mouth open when he sleep and his breaths came out like tiny "poffs" when he breathed out. I smiled warmly at him and grabbed my phone. I had to take a picture of this!

I took the picture and posted it on Twitter.

"Sleepy Bradley? ;)" I wrote and posted it.

I putted my iPhone between my legs and turned on the tv. Pretty Little Liars were on and I smiled, my favourite tv show. I realised it was a very creepy episode so I squeezed Brad's hand and closed my eyes at the scary parts. When it was commercials, I looked at Brad who actually were awake now and he just sat there and laughing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Haha, not so tough, huh?" He said and laughed.

"Ha-ha... I thuought it was scary and you were here to protect me and I felt safe with you so..." I said and smiled cheekily at him.

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"I'm glad I have you here with me and taking care of me. I love you." he said and blushed.

I stroked my finger across his cheek and smiled.

"I love you too" I said.

It was quiet in the room a while because we were watching tv. I had climed over to Brad's bed and were snuggeling in his arms. He kissed to top of my head and whispered in my ear.

"Can I have my phone?"

I laughed and said "okey" and passed him his black iPhone 5. I knew that he was going to notice the thing on twitter because I knew that he were following me.

I gave him the phone and I tried to play innocent and kept watching tv.

"HEY! What is this?!" He said and laughed.

"Haha!" I said and kissed him. "I love youuuu..." I said with puppyeyes.

He kissed me on the cheek and then retweeted the tweet. I smiled.

"Oh, I'm going to call the boys. They haven't visited yet because the nurses had told them not to do but since I'm a bit better now, they can come? Is that okay?" he asked and I nodded.

He called Tristan and said that they could come over around 3pm because the Clock were around 12am right now and the nurses were going to take some blodtests and give him some morfin for the pain and all that.

I didn't want to wair anything else than my One Piece or VS Pink sweatpants and hoodie. And Brad had his blue "Cheeky monkey" sweatpants and Hollister hoodie. I love when boys wair Hollister clothes and especially when Brad wore it.

"Brad... You're that type of boy that could look sexy in a beanie, sweatpants and hoodies. You're that type of guy that turn me on." I said and winked. I was standing up because I had been at the bathroom.

He smiled cheekily at me.

"Come here!" He said and held his arms open.

I bounced over to him and layed down in the bed, right next to him. I hugged him and then kissed him passionately on the lips. There it was again, that magical kiss with sparkles that no one could ever top. This, this was perfect,

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