Chapter 20

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Harry's eyes shot open as he heard a wailing cry come over the baby monitor, immediately startling him awake. He could see Louis shift in bed as well, almost about to get up before Harry gently tugged him back down.

"Stop, I got'em. You're still on bedrest."

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Louis mumbled sleepily as he felt the younger lad kiss his head.

"Says Dr.Harry, now go back to sleep, it's okay," he said, a small laugh coming from him as he saw Louis roll his eyes before snuggling right back into the covers.

They brought the twins home today after spending three days in the hospital, and it was such a relief to Harry to finally be back in his own bed. Even if he was getting up at 4 something in the morning to try to calm his screeching newborn, he didn't mind at all. Harry didn't think he'd be saying that in another week when he's completely sleep deprived and covered in spit up and poop, but at least for right now the babies were cute no matter what they were doing.

"Oh I should've known it was you crying up a storm," Harry whispered, reaching into Riley's crib and settling her against his chest. "C'mon love, let's not wake your brother."

He rubbed his daughter's back and bounced her gently as he peered into Bennett's crib, having no clue how the newborn was still sleeping, but he was grateful only one of them woke up. And Harry intended to keep it that way and make his life easier as he headed into the hall, trying to calm Riley along the way.

He had read every book he could get his hands on about babies, ranging from nutrition to what their different cries mean, and Harry thought those would help, that maybe he wouldn't be so helpless during times like this.

The first time one of the babies cried it was Bennett and Harry was at a complete loss of what to do. He didn't know if he should pick up the newborn, whisper something to him, feed him, or change him and it was immediate he became panicked. Luckily Louis was there of course and even if the older lad was laughing at him Harry listened to what he said and managed to soothe his son and even feed him for the first time. And by now Harry liked to believe he somewhat knew what he was doing when it came to the twins and how to stop their cries. Well, maybe he couldn't say that considering Riley was still crying.

"C'mon love, give pop a little break," Harry whispered to her as he walked up and down the hall, needing her wailing to stop. "Are you hungry, did you poop?" he asked, lifting the newborns little bum up and smelling her.

But of course as soon as he did that Harry nearly gagged, his question easily being answered. His kids were only four days old, he didn't understand how such cute and little people can make such awful, horrible smelling messes.

To make it worse though Harry realized he had to go back into the nursery to change his daughter, and there was no doubt in his mind that she would wake Bennett up with all of her crying. But he had to change her, there was no way around it.

So Harry made his way back down the hall, Riley still screaming in his ear as he pushed open the nursery door and made his way over to the changing table. He wasn't sure if he was in the room for even 10 seconds before another loud cry was heard, if possible Bennett's screaming louder than his sister.

"Guy's c'mon," Harry muttered, not wanting them to wake Louis up and make the older lad come in here to help him.

He just wanted his boyfriend to actually get some sleep tonight but with these two crying every two hours it seemed near impossible.

"You tried love."

Harry picked his head up, a small breath escaping him as he saw Louis shuffle into the room and pick Bennett up to calm him down. "Lou it's fine, really. I can handle both of them, it's okay."

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