Chapter 12

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Louis could see the light streaming into the room, peeking past his eyelids and successfully waking him up. And when he rolled over to get away from the light he found himself pressed into Harry's chest, the younger lad's arm still wrapped firmly around him and sleeping like a rock as he snored quietly to himself.

Louis let out a slow breath through his nose as a warm smile came to him, if possible moving closer to Harry and absorbing his heat. No matter how badly he wanted to get back to sleep and stay here forever though Louis knew he couldn't. His eyes had already fluttered open and set upon the clock on the bedside table, successfully making him jerk awake at the time.

"Fuck," he groaned into his hands. "Shit, shit, shit," Louis muttered, pushing the covers back and immediately feeling a sharp pain shoot up his backside.

"Lou?" Harry asked sleepily, barely picking his head off the pillow. "Babe what're you doin? Come back to bed," he said, already trying to get comfortable on the bed again.

"H I completely forgot about class and your mum and Robin have Holden and-"

"Call out sick and they won't care about watching him a bit longer. Now c'mere," Harry mumbled into his pillow, stretching his arm out and reaching for the older lad.

Louis shook his head as he bit back a laugh and stood up fully. As he did that though he felt that burn in his backside, but also something else. "H?" he asked quietly, feeling himself still. "Did you use a condom last night?"

"Yeah," Harry breathed out, already feeling himself fall back asleep. "Why?"

"Just uhm, just asking," Louis barely whispered. "I need to uh, I need to take a shower."

"Lou," Harry groaned. "Come here."

"I will, I promise," Louis said through an airy laugh, carefully shuffling towards the bathroom unable to ignore the dried stickiness in his bum. "Just shower first."

Harry let out another groan, wanting nothing more than to just curl up with Louis and go back to sleep. But instead he swung his legs over the bed and went into the bathroom after the older lad, seeing him start the shower.

"Hey," he said softly, carefully wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and burying his nose in the back of his hair. "You okay? You don't regret last night or anything right?"

Louis shook his head as he turned around in Harry's arms, something else stemming his worries. "Of course I don't," he said through a small smile. "Last night was... Amazing," Louis said as he let out an airy laugh, feeling his cheeks heat up at just the thought of last night.

Harry hummed, dipping his head and gently pressing his lips to the older lad's. "You were even better than I remember."

"Yeah well four years is a long time, I might've been a little desperate," Louis said through a sheepish chuckle as he stepped into the shower and tugged on Harry's hand to join him.

Harry scoffed, not even wanting to talk about how desperate he's been since Louis came back into his life and even before that. "Yeah, you have no idea," he muttered.

Louis smiled back at him as he saw Harry getting in the shower after him, but still there was something that was bothering him. And he had a suspicion that the uncomfortable feeling in his bum had to do with it. He knew Harry either didn't use a condom or it broke, and just at that thought Louis grew more and more nervous.


Louis let out a few deep breaths, trying to get past this nauseous feeling in his stomach as he walked down the aisle. This has been going on for two weeks at this point, and Harry keeps saying its probably something he ate, but Louis knew better.

All I Want (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora