Chapter 4

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It's a couple of hours later and I'm just putting the kids to bed. Tobias didn't say much during dinner, but it was very apparent that his thoughts were somewhere else. Since we've come home and he's dropped the facade he kept up around my dad, I can see the weight of what he needs to do is really affecting him. He put on a brave face for the kids, hugging them tightly before I put them to bed, but once they were out of sight he sagged on the couch with his head in his hands.

I put the kids to bed as quickly as possible so I can go out to talk to him. When I approach him, he looks up at me, my heart breaking at the pain evident on his face.

"Tobias..." I begin, unsure of what I'm going to say. I realize there isn't anything I could say to make things better, so I just sit next to him and hold his hand.

"Tris, I don't know how I'm supposed to do this. I haven't seen my father since the night of graduation. I don't want to see him now. How am I supposed to face him?"

"With me next to you, of course." I realize now that's why my dad was acting strangely when he was talking about watching the kids. He knew Tobias had to go to Chicago and that I was going to go with him. "My dad will watch the kids and we'll go together. I'll be with you the whole time."

"I don't know how I'm going to handle it and I don't want you seeing me if I can't. It's been almost 15 years since I've seen my father. I'd like to think I'm brave enough to face him, but the truth of the matter is I don't know if I am." Over the years Tobias has told me a lot about his childhood and the abuse he sustained from his father. I never thought it was possible to hate a man so much that I've never met, but I truly do hate Marcus for everything he's done to my husband. The fact that he can still affect Tobias makes me hate him even more.

"Tobias, acting this way doesn't make you weak. You are a wonderful father to Natalie and Jamie, you don't let your past influence your relationship with them. We'll go to Chicago, we'll face Marcus together and you'll prove he doesn't have power over you when you put him behind bars." I'm holding Tobias' face in my hands so that he's forced to look at me as I say this. I want him to know that I have faith he can handle this.

"I realize I saw you less than 48 hours ago, but I can't express how good it feels to be home with you and have you in my arms," he says, pulling me in close. "And you're right-"

"I usually am," I interject with a smile, and I'm rewarded with a chuckle I can feel reverberating through his chest. He pulls back so he can look me in the eye

"Yes, you usually are," he says smiling. "But if you'd care to know what you're right about this time, it's that I know I can do this since I'll have you with me."

"Good I'm glad to hear that. How about you stay here and rest and I'll go pack. My dad is going to come here in the morning so we don't have to wake up the kids. Christina has the morning shift at the hospital so she'll take us to the airport before work."

I get up to head to the bedroom, but he pulls me back onto his lab and crushes his lips to mine. I can feel the desperation in the kiss, like he's using me to forget about the situation he's in. I can't say that I mind in the least, especially when his fingers trail softly up my spine.

He's taking things very slowly, moving his lips down to my neck and my hands reach out for him too. I move my hand up his stomach, feeling his muscles moving under my fingers.

"Tobias, we should move to the bedroom, the kids could wake up and see us." It's the last coherent sentence I'm able to make for a while. I know this means I'll have to wake up even earlier so I have time to pack, but at the moment I can't quite get myself to care.


The morning is hectic as I try to pack up everything we'll need for Chicago. The task is made especially hard by the fact that we don't know how long we'll be there, it can be as long as two weeks. I decide not to overpack, figuring I can always do laundry. I'm just zipping up the suitcase as my dad knocks on the door.

"Hey sweetie," my dad says as he pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Hi dad." I try to keep my stress out of my voice, but I know he can hear it.

"Where's Tobias?"

"Checking on the kids before we leave. He hates leaving them after he just got home." When I woke up this morning I found him just standing at their doorways, watching them sleep. He walks in the room just as I see Christina pull in the driveway.

My dad gives me a hug before we leave, then shakes Tobias' hand.

"Good luck, Four." I look at my dad. It's been so long since I heard him use Tobias' nickname it sounds strange coming from him, even though all our friends still use it. Tobias looks at him, confusion evident in his expression. He had insisted my dad use his real name ever since we got engaged. My dad moves his hands to Tobias' shoulders, forcing him to make eye contact.

"You are no longer the same kid you were. You are 'Four Eaton', an outstanding example of what it means to be a Marine. I am proud to call you my son, never forget that." My dad is rarely serious which makes what he's saying that much more important.

"Thanks, Dad," Tobias says, giving my father a quick hug. Earning my dad's approval has meant a lot to Tobias.

"Safe flight kids, let me know when you land."

"Will do Dad," I say, grabbing Tobias' hand as he grabs the luggage. I peek up at him as we head to the car and see he has a look of awe on his face. When he realizes I'm staring at him he looks towards me and smiles before loading the trunk.

"I may have had a crappy childhood, and I may have to confront it this week, but it was all worth it because I get to have family like you guys. Thank you for loving me, Tris."

"Thank you for loving me back, Tobias," I answer, reaching up to kiss him.

"If I throw up in this car watching you two, I'm making you pay to get my car detailed!" Christina yells from the driver's seat, laughing.

Tobias and I laugh too, and get in the car so we can begin what I hope will be a very short trip to Chicago. Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling it won't be an easy one but whatever it is, I know we can handle it together.

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