Chapter 2

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We pull up to the cabana and I marvel at how clean it looks in there.

"Hoping you were going to get lucky tonight? This place is spotless," I tease. He's always been an extremely neat person.

"I never dreamed I'd get this lucky tonight," he comments as he picks me up off my feet and sets me on the counter in the small kitchen, one of my favorite things he does. He kisses me while he slowly pulls my cover up over my head.

"My God, you're beautiful," he pants out as his kisses trail down my neck and across my chest. I pull off his shirt too, wanting to feel as much of him as possible. I pull back and marvel at his defined chest and abs, running my fingers down his stomach. I feel a small shiver run through his body and his lips are on mine again.

"It's a good thing I'm not the jealous type, because this bathing suit leaves very little to the imagination."

"It's Christina's, she made me wear it. It's definitely not my usual style," I say breathlessly as his fingers softly trace up my spine.

"Hmm, maybe not, but it definitely has its advantages," he says as he slowly unties the back of the bikini and let's the small piece of fabric fall to the floor. He then skims his fingers down to my hips and unties the sides of the bottom piece which falls away when he lifts me up and carries me towards the bed. He sets me down on the edge of the bed and it's my turn to pull off his clothing, though his thin bathing suit is not hiding much.

When our bodies come together it's a relief, like I was in pain and now I'm not. From the look on his face he seems to feel the same way. He stays there, not moving for a moment as if he's relishing in the sensation of us being together again.

We take things slow, enjoying the fact that we have the place to ourselves and plenty of time on our hands. Every touch sends shockwaves through my skin and every sigh of his registers deep within my bones. He continues to whisper sweet things to me - how beautiful I am, how much he loves me. The look on his face when he sighs my name is my undoing, and he follows soon after.

We lay there together, both unwilling to move but knowing our dinner reservations are quickly approaching.

Tobias eventually rolls out of bed to head to the bathroom to get ready and I open the box from Christina. In it is a beautiful two piece Hawaiian dress. I get changed, leaving my hair curly and laying down my back and I get to pleasure of seeing Tobias' eyes pop when he walks out to see me. The feeling is mutual though, since he looks so handsome in light colored khakis and a polo shirt.

"I guess Christina thought I needed something appropriate to wear for dinner," I comment.

"Mmm... I have to remember to thank her for providing you with such lovely things to wear," he comments as he lightly runs his fingertips along the inch of bare skin showing above the skirt. "Though I must admit, I much prefer when your out of the stuff she gives you," he says as he pushes the strap off my shoulder and begins to kiss it.

He pulls away too quickly and I can feel the pout on my face. "We need to go if we're going to make the reservation your dad made. If it wasn't for the fact that he made it for us I'd totally consider skipping it," he says with a wicked smile.

"Well we have the rest of the night to ourselves," I comment.

"We sure do," he says with a smile.


We take the short drive to the restaurant and find that we'll be eating out on the patio overlooking the beach.

"Oh my, how beautiful. We'll be able to see the sunset," I comment looking over the water.

Tobias and I have a very enjoyable dinner. We're surrounded by other couples looking like they're in love. Just as we're finishing, a live band comes out and starts playing some slow Polynesian music and many of the couples move towards the dance floor under the palm trees.

"Would you like to dance?" Tobias asks me, holding out his hand.

"I'd love to," I say taking his hand. He pulls me close and we sway slowly to the music under the different colors of the sunset.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life," I say watching the sun slowly sinking into the ocean.

"I have," Tobias says, looking at me. I can feel my cheeks reddening at his comment. I give him a light kiss, my usual response when I don't know what to say.

"I can't believe we've been married ten years," I say, still in disbelief that the man chose me.

"They have been the happiest of my life. You know I had a hard childhood. I used to wish that I had another family, one that would have loved me, one that wouldn't have left scars across my back, but now I'm thankful for my childhood." We've stopped dancing at this point and I'm staring at him. I'm completely speechless, he never talks about his childhood. "If it wasn't for my father I never would have joined the Marines and I never would have found you. If I had to do it all over again I would have, knowing it would lead to you. I love you, Tris."

By this point I'm crying and unable to really speak, but I'm able to whisper back, "I love you too."

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