Technically, super-vigilance was actually quite common - most humans were born with the talent but almost all of them lost it quickly as they learned to focus on the beings from which comfort and sustenance came. Just as a babies' hearing adapts to prioritise the frequency of its parents' voices, their vision adapts to ignore the astral beings that inhabit the physical plane, looking past and through them like raindrops on a windshield, seeing only those beings and objects that their parents acknowledge. The Kazemotos, and members of other families in possession of the ancient knowledge, raised their children to maintain the extended awareness they are born with, allowing them to communicate and work with forces and beings most humans would dismiss as 'supernatural'.

Standing on the supervisors' platform in The Aviary, most humans would see a vast, empty room, two stories high with enormous glass enclosures at each corner of the octagon, each with sliding doors leading onto balconies outside. Within each enclosure, on a white ergonomic stool seemingly unnecessarily pressed against the right-hand wall, sat a person in a white, knee-length, traditional Japanese quilted coat to protect them from the cold when the doors to the balcony opened, every three to five minutes and things really got weird. Each time the door opened, the quilt-coated man or woman stood, faced the empty enclosure and performed a kind of solo dance with oddly specific hand gestures. After that, they sat again, eyes closed for a minute or two before they rose again to perform exactly the same odd dance, only backwards, sitting again for a few moments before the doors opened and then closed, again.

Super-vigilance – and a certain amount of arcane training – made sense of the strange picture. Queuing at each of the balcony doors, in lines stretching out over the city, were thousands of domesticated Gossips, the creatures' bright, hot brands pulsing across their distended bellies as they waited to make their reports. The dance the quilt-coated Gossip Wranglers performed, forward and backward, removed and replaced the brands, allowing each creature to share what they had witnessed with the other non-corporeal creatures inside the glass enclosures: The Vaults. Once normal, wild Gossips themselves, Vaults had been trained to incorporate the memories shared by Gossips into their very being, storing them so that they could be accessed, by another ritual, when needed. Like their smaller brethren, a Vault's eyes were lidless, yellow spheres and their unnecessary limbs tiny, shrivelled appendages but with each memory they absorbed, their bellies grew, so that an elder Vault's limbs stuck out of its belly at odd angles and the effect was that of a of a latex glove the size of a small truck inflated to amuse the child of giant.

But the domesticated Gossips weren't Ryosuke's focus today. Today was about the several hundred newly captured, wild Gossips corralled in the domed ceiling directly above him.

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Akiko said, leaving her work station to join him gazing up.

"Is that enough?" he asked.

"Eight hundred and eighty-eight. The old rules have their reasons."

Ryosuke sighed, he wasn't going to get into that with Akiko today. The Gossip from the jail would arrive any moment and there was work to do.

"There." Akiko said, pointing into the sky beyond the dome, at a streak of fire accelerating toward them. She returned to her workstation and tapped at the keyboard. A whirring noise reverberated around the Aviary as the dome split down the centre and slowly slid open. The wild Gossips made a break for it but were held back by the same spell that was keeping them corralled in the dome in the first place.

As the Gossip from the jail neared enough to be more than just light, Akiko sucked air through her teeth and hugged herself. Ryosuke shuddered. The being accelerating toward the open dome of the Aviary, flashing and pulsing between shades of deep red anger, so dark it sometimes absorbed light altogether, was monstrous.

Witnessing a death wasn't like any other event a Gossip witnessed. At the moment of ascension, the departing soul, unleashed from its physical body, expanded momentarily, surging through every being in the vicinity before snapping back, remembering its human form and passing into the astral plane. A human barely noticed the spiritual assault but without a physical body to maintain its integrity, a Gossip simply dysmorphed, taking on the form of the departed. The monster now streaking toward them was a spiritual facsimile not of Bates' physical form before death but of his soul.

The Gossips in the dome sensed it coming. But where Ryosuke's instinct was to flee, theirs was to flock to it. They jostled and fought, throwing themselves toward the sky, beating themselves against the invisible barrier. Behind him, Ryosuke heard his sister muttering under her breath and he turned to see her finishing the spell that would release the Gossips. This was why they had been mustered.

The eight hundred and eighty-eight Gossips shot out of the dome and swarmed Bates' spiritual doppelganger, creating a writhing, pulsing ball of energy, like a miniature sun. Akiko handed him a pair of binoculars and he zoomed in on the frenzy of feeding. Like a contagion the dysmorphia spread through the group, each of them taking on the monstrous form until, in a flash accompanied by a sonic boom, they were gone.

Ryosuke lowered the binoculars and took some deep breaths to dispel the juddering in his gut. Beside him, Akiko was doing the same. No amount of experience made anyone immune to witnessing raw evil. They stood silently for a moment – no words were necessary. No words would help.

No-one knew what happened to them on the other side but when – if – Bates was reborn, they would accompany him through and stick with him until one of the guardian families picked up the intense Gossip activity and found him. Now, it was up to Ryosuke's team. He set the binoculars on Akiko's desk and took a step toward the staircase and stopped as one of her staff came up.

"Sumimasen Kazemoto-sama," she said. Excuse me. She bowed to them both and offering Akiko a folded piece of paper.

Akiko took the piece of paper, nodding to the woman in thanks and dismissal, then read it.  Akiko's face lit in a smile full of warmth.

"Nan desu ka?" Ryosuke asked quietly. What is it?

Akiko handed him the note. "A Gossip's just reported in. One of the hyper-vigilant kids we're watching in Melbourne has crossed paths with Tak-kun."

Ryosuke's heart lifted as he read the immaculately drawn characters of Takeshi's name.

"Shall we take five minutes and go see what we've got?" Akiko said.

"Hai," Ryosuke said, matching her smile. News of their nephew was just what they needed right now.

Author's Note, August 17th 2016:

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