Chapter 40; Finale:

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Okay hey guys, before you read the chapter I just want to say thank you for reading and commenting and voting and just everything. Its such a blessing to see people like my story. I will be starting a new fanfic soon as well. Anyway, thanks for reading Letters From Scarlette! Love you all so much, ~Brooke


~Chapter 40:

I collapse onto our soft, white linen bedspread, staring up at the ceiling fan. It swivels at high speed clockwise, spinning quickly.

"Aw, are you tired?" Harrys husky voice says from in front of me. A second later, his figure appears looking down at me.

"Ugh yeah, Dyl kept me up half the night." I groan, recounting the crying baby reluctant to let me sleep. Apparently Harrys a ""Heavy sleeper"" as he calls it, and I'm stuck on baby duty. Literally.

"I'm sorry babe," He grins half-heartedly, pressing down his legs to my legs and leaning himself by his arms over me. He leans down until our noses brush.

"Harry, not now," I whisper.

"Cmon, Dylans' asleep," He replies, his lips pressing just below my chin gently.


"But baby.." He whines softly.

"I can tell," I chuckle, obviously noticing the sudden bulge in Harrys skinny jeans. I softly kiss him lightly before scanning the room behind him. The picture of Harry, Scarlette, and I sitting on the beach with our raybans on and posing for the camera sillily. I gently push Harry up despite his protests and walk over to the sitting frame.

"Remember this?" I say quietly, picking it up and studying it. It was the day before we went to the hospital. Harrys laughter comes from behind me over my shoulder.

"Yeah, how could I forget..." He mumbles. His hands grip my waist as he sways lightly back and forth, a bit lower than my waist actually. And casually moving lower until both his large hands are placed in my back pants pockets.

"I miss her so much," I whisper, my voice cracking. I feel a warm drop of water roll down my face until it hits the frame where Scarr stands.

"I do too, shh its alright. Look at me, Tay. She's in Heaven now, and she wouldn't want us to be sad," He mutters as he engulfs me in a warm hug. He pulls out a yellowed, tear-worn piece of paper from behind a frame, "Remember? She said not to be sad."

A tear trickles onto Harrys shoulder, and a smile spreads across my face as I nod. The letter. I honestly don't think I could've stayed as strong as I have if it wasn't for those letters Scarlette wrote.

"We'll have that life again, okay Tay? I love you so much," He mumbles, staring at me from arms length away. I drape my arms around his neck and stare into his bright, strong green eyes.

"I love you Harry, way way more," I smile widely, shaking my head at his cheesy attempt as though he doesn't know I love him more. My lips connect to his passionately, the original sparks bursting and everything around us is a blur. Just our lips and eachother. And our new life together with Dylan. And of course, we will never ever forget our tales of Scarlette. Because without those letters from Scarlette, we would have never rekindled our love in the first place.

•|The End|• Ahhhhhh(:

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