Chapter 26:

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"What do you mean?"

Harry demands to the doctor, his voice cracking under emotions. Not this again. I hate these scenes. I didn't even hear what he said, I had blocked out the bad news. Just cant take it honestly.

"Sir, she cant do chemo anymore. It isn't working, we're taking her off of it,"

The doctors words that I had blocked comes flooding back in echoes. No more chemo. No more treatment. No, that cant happen. No more treatment means she wont get better. If she doesn't get better- oh God please no, don't take her. I feel the tears before I realize it, splashing against my legs. Harry, who had promised to control his anger, was pretty much beating himself up inside. As if the previous days hadn't been emotional enough. He had sank down the wall, his head in his hands. I think I'm just stunned. Completely paralyzed. I feel like I'm on the outside looking in on what's going on, like one of those out-of-body experiences you see on tv. Scarlettes' face flashes through my mind, it just proves how you cant judge someones condition on their outward appearance. If you saw her, you'd think she was a little girl with a throat cold.

"How long?"

I hear myself say from my thoughts. Not to anyone directly, just to anyone that'd listen.

"If all goes month,"

The doctor says. I feel his eyes turning to me though I don't move, concentrating on the tile floor.

One month.

One month left with my first born

with my beautiful little girl

One month left.

One month.

Letters From Scarlette {Haylor}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt