Chapter 34:

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Late November,

Usually one of my favorite times of the year. Pumpkin bread, baking, silly made-up Christmas carols, and cuddling up with hot chocolate. Not this year, not for awhile I suppose. Too many memories.

A steady trickle of snowflakes fall down, decorating the hair of bystanders. We're on the same hill Harry, I and Scarlette had played just three weeks before. Except now the bursting colors of the trees are bare and icy, like the energy in the air. Harry and I stand side by side hand-in-hand listening to the service. We're under the tent, along with our immediate family and friends, all dressed in black. I'm not exactly listening, though I bet its a sweet service, i just cant stop looking at the white coffin with pink flowery print. My daughter-my sweet, bubbly Scarlette- is inside that. Dead. It'd be a miracle if I ever stopped crying, to be honest. Harry, on the other hand, is struggling to be the man he's trying to act he is. He's crying, of course, but his effort to contain it for me is not doing much. My family sits to my right, my mom rubbing circles on my back while pressing tissues to her eyes. A chill runs down my spine, this jacket is not helping much despite the few heaters we have running.

"Mr. Styles, you wanted to say a few words?" The preacher says, snapping me from my thoughts. Harry nods, attempting to wipe his eyes on the sleeve of his black trenchcoat as he walks up the steps.

"Thank you all for coming, it-um-means a lot to Taylor and I. I cant say enough about Scarlette. She was gorgeous, an amazing singer, such a bubbly and happy girl that could change anyones mood with a single word. But one thing some people didn't know about Scarlette was that she wrote us letters to communicate when she couldn't speak. And I actually found this letter- I know I should've showed you, Taylor but I wanted to let you be the first to hear this to- this was at her bedside,"

He says, fumbling with a crumpled piece of paper with hearts decorating the page in his pocket. He takes a deep breath before beginning to read.

"' Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I know by the time you read this, I will be up in heaven with Jesus and looking at you. But that's not a bad thing because mommy said its pretty. And if you ask me, I think I'll be able to beat Him in a sandcastle making contest. But please don't be sad that I'm not with y'all. I'm with my other Daddy, and I finally have a brother! Even though he's older and has cuts on his hands. I will always love you both though (of course!) and I will try to keep you safe and please stay happy. And mommy, don't worry- I'll keep you safe and sound.

Love Love Love forever,

Scarlette♥ xoxxxxoooxxxxxoooxxx'"

Letters From Scarlette {Haylor}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang