Chapter 14:

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I wake up to Harrys curls tickling my neck and his mumbling voice.

"Get up, babe. Taylor, wake up beautiful,"

His voice comes into focus, husky and deep. I groggily look up, smiling at him. Then I see the boys and Selena sitting on the bench across from us, smirks plastered on their face. I curse under my breath, sitting up quickly.

"It's early, what are y'all doing here?"

I mumble sleepily, looking at the well groomed group. Harry is wearing what he had on last night with the exception of his hair is slicked up.

"We thought we coulda drop by early before the show this afternoon,"

Niall speaks up for the boys as I struggle to put my hair up into a bun. I stop what I'm doing, turning to look at Harry with wide eyes.

"N-not if Harry couldn't though, of course. We shoulda canceled it but it was too late. The fans already bought tickets,"

Louis adds onto Nialls sentence after he sees my face. Harry is not easy to read as it is, but right now you couldn't tell if he was happy I'm up or if he's sad he had to wake me.

"No, go Harry. One Direction isn't the same without Harry. I have Selena and I think Demi is flying in today. I'll be fine,"

Harry gives me a 'are you sure' look, his arm snaking its way around my waist. I nod in reply, without the boys knowing our secret language.

"Awesome! We'll probably leave in a few hours after breakfast,"

Zayn grins, looking at the other boys who are doing the same. Obviously ready to get their minds off of Scarlette.

"Speaking of breakfast, wanna go get some in the cafe downstairs?"

Niall asks, standing up. We all agree, following Niall down the hall. Harry pulls me closer by my waist, putting his lips to my ear as we walk.

"Thanks for letting me go. Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can for you,"

He mumbles, kissing my cheek lightly. A small smile grows on my lips with a blush on my cheeks.

"I'll be fine, babe. Besides I got Sel here until everybody else shows up,"

I wrap a free arm around Selena who's kind've awkwardly walking next to us. She laughs, probably happy to be included.

"Yup! Take your time, Harry. I barely get any girl time anymore with this one. I'll take good care of her for you, though,"

Selena smiles proudly, her cheerful, bubbly self adding life to the dull hospital. Its good to have a friend like her around to brighten things up. It manages Harry to force a dimple-lit smile, one I haven't seen in a few days. Oh, how I've missed that

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