Chapter twelve:DAM YOU!

Start from the beginning

"Stop fighting and he won't have to do that." I give him a 'hell no' look and he holds the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Fine be hard on your self, Sebastian make sure she is to weak to do anything stupid before you go."

"Yes young master" I glare at Ciel as it is all I can do as my head is against Sebastian's knee as he is kneeling while flipping chocking me to stop my head from moving. Ciel walks out of the burnt room leaving me.

"You are one stubborn being." He says while still stopping me from breathing well, I can't speak as my energy is draining away from me through lack of oxygen and my vision has become a bit blurry. I try one last time to get his hand away from my throat pulling at his hand and try to move my head away from his death grip.

"Why do you struggle when you know I am stronger than you?" He asks...oh dear bad feeling...Yep I am right. He tightens his grip one last time not enough for me to faint but have no energy, as I gasp for air I feel the last bit of my energy drain away my eyes change back to their normal blue and my arms fall down by my side and I become limp as my breathing becomes shallow, no energy to take deep breaths. My head now resting against his knee as I try to breath instead of being held there, he holds my neck for a few seconds more then lets go my breathing stays the same, shallow as he puts my head on the floor. It's harder to breath while i'm on my back but all I can do is watch as my body is to weak to even move.

"How many times is this I have saved you now?" I don't even have the energy to glare anymore...this is depressing..I cough and my breathing weakens restricted from laying on my back. He looks at me with his usual emotionless mask as if trying to work out if I would try to fight him again his demon eyes wathcing me. I have always loved thoes eyes and somehow seeing them I relax a bit...odd I know...he notices this, great i'm gonna get questioned about that later. Then he kneels down and picks me up bridle style suddenly being able to breath a bit more I take a deep breath filling my lungs. Wow how did I become so angry? Confusion suddenly takes over me and I look at Sebastian as he stands there watching me, as if he could tell what I am thinking he simply says.

"I do not know why you became so angry so easily but I would guess it has something to do with your new founds powers along with it being cold in this room, I believe it is coming from you when you are angry. I felt it a bit when you first became angry with my master then when those men broke in." Hmmm makes sense I nod my head so little that it wouldn't be classed as a nod. My breathing still shallow I rest my head against his chest my arms limp the right one just hanging down while my left curled on my stomach. He starts to walk out of the room as he heads to the front doors.


We go down the corridor that leads to the main stairs when he stops and looks at me.

"The others are down there can you make sure you don't become angry?" I look up at him with a 'does it look like I have the energy?' look and he chuckles my breathing just about recovered but I still have no energy as he carry's me to the stairs. I go back to resting my head against him while he starts to go down the stairs. I slowly turn my head to see Ciel talking to MeyRin Bard and Finnie...great this should be fun...I groan and Sebastian glances at me quickly. MeyRin is the first to see me.

"Alex! are you alright?" She runs up to me and Sebastian then Finnie sees me being carried

"Alex! you don't look so good" Bard looked up at us as we reach them I gave him the best apologetic smile I could muster which wasn't much but he saw it and gave a small smile back as he came up.

"Crap did Sebastian nearly kill you or something?" Sure if you count being choked and hit twice sure i'm fine, I look at Sebastian quickly who gets the message and smiles at me then the others.

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