"Ah Mr De Luca I was hoping to see you here" he said to him

"Mr and Mrs Crane" he said politely "Wasn't planning on being anywhere else" he replied

Angelo talked to these people as if they were his own and yet they knew he was the richest man in the room and that was how it was the whole night from one person to the other Angelo would introduce me just as a friend and as Santoro then they would go on with their discussions not even noticing I was in the room, I heard a few times about shipment and equipment so I knew it was mostly about the business he was doing from one mafia to the other.

I tuned out of their conversation that they were so heatedly discussing and slipped away from Angelo's side to get something to drink yeah I know the whole night he didn't once ask if I was thirsty he was such a gentleman I thought to myself, I made my way to the one table with drinks and picked up a glass of champagne and downed the continents down and looking at everyone in the room.

"Having fun?" I heard someone say behind me I turned around and saw Ricardo standing there and he wasn't alone I saw Allisio and Conrad with him and I greeted them.

"I wish" I said and it was the truth my feet were killing me and I was tired.

"How come I thought you got along with everyone?" Allisio asked

"Please calling getting along with everyone while Angelo does all the talking and leaving me to stand there looking like a lost puppy doing everything he says and not even offering me something to drink" I took a breath "Yeah I got along just fine" I sarcastically replied drowning my glass. They all just laughed and me while they looked around.

"I'm going to the ladies if anyone is looking for me" I said and excused myself before anyone of them could say something. I walked away and turned a corner into a long hallway now it was just to find the bathroom. I saw a young woman that looked like a waitress walking a few feet in front of me

"Sorry Miss" I yelled after her she turned around and saw me she gave me a soft smile

"Yes" she replied

"Do you by any chance know where the bathroom is?" I asked politely

"Of Corse you just go straight down this corridor turn left and you will get a door on you left I don't think it you will miss it" she said directing with her hand

"Thank you" I said and walked off. How can they put a bathroom so far away from the ballroom? Gosh these rich people really have all the money in the world.

I finally made it to the bathroom I did my usual thing and stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. I didn't fit in here I was just a plain girl from a plain family and I wasn't anything special just because I had on a thousand dollar dress didn't make me one of them. I washed my hands, dried them and walked out of the room turning the corner again just in time to see Angelo walking straight towards me looking pissed as ever.

"Where the hell were you?" he almost yelled at me when he saw me luckily there was no one around

"I just used the ladies room didn't think it would be a problem and I told-"I wanted to continue but he interrupted me

"Problem-Didn't I tell you not to leave my side? What if something happened?" he asked

"Nothing happened I told you-"but I couldn't finish my sentence as he was grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

"Angelo let me go" I replied outraged but he was really starting to hurt me what was wrong with him? I can walk by myself he didn't have to act like this I actually felt humiliated at this situation

"You're hurting me" I said pulling my arm back with no luck

"I don't care we have to get back I still need to speak to Mrs Devoski" he said not letting go of my arm

"Angelo" I replied softly with teary eyes

"You are such a nuisance and wasting my time and for once I wish you would just listen to me instead of wondering off to God knows where I always have to do everything myself!" he said again but all I was thinking of were his hand hurting my arm. And that did it!

"You know what Angelo" I said digging my heels in the ground and yanking my arm out of his grip in which I succeeded he looked at me with disbelief but I was done with this crap that was going on here

"Fuck this shit; I'm not your dog you can just drag around whenever you feel like it. I actually thought I would have a good time tonight but thanks to you my whole night is ruined I just wanted to dance one dance or at least I thought you would treat me like a lady but no all you think about is yourself! I don't even know why I am here in the first place? You don't need me yet you can't even introduce me properly to anyone in that room and the only person who made me feel welcome here was Anna. So yes I'm sorry if I wasted your fucking time and your precious money" I pointed towards the ballroom I was really sick and tired of being used like this after all I was human too.

"Santoro you-"but before he could say something I interrupted him I didn't want to hear any more. Every time we would end up fighting I was so sick of his attitude and his mood swings I was done.

"Don't Santoro me, you know what go talk to whomever you want to and don't let me stand in your way I don't have to be there to hold your hand after all I'm just a nuisance. I'll just ask Ricardo or Allisio or who the fuck ever to take me home. So good night and thank you for humiliating me" I said pissed brushing passed him I knew I was at my breaking point I wanted to cry but I couldn't let him see just how he affected me so I walked to where Ricardo and the guys stood.

"Santoro you better not walk away" I heard him yell but didn't stop and walked to where the guys stood

"Could one of you please just take me home?' I asked all of them but they saw I wasn't in the mood

"The boss isn't done yet" Allisio said

"I don't fucking care if he was done I'm going home with or without any of you" I said and started walking up the stairs

I was a mess inside and out I knew one of them was walking silently behind me because I saw the movement at the corner of my eye. We got to the car and one of the car guards opened the door for me I got in and sat there looking out the window. I didn't even thank Anna for the night that got ruined because of Angelo. I heard the door next to me open and slam with a bang I knew it was none other than the devil himself but I didn't bother to look at him. My eyes stayed glued to the outside of the window, one tear escaped my eye and I left it I was a mess right now and for once I just wanted to be left alone

"Boss you still want to go to Picasso's?" Ricardo asked him

"No just go straight home" I heard him say

We drove all the way back to his mansion in total silence and the car didn't even come to a stop when we arrived and I was out of it before anyone could stop me.

"Santoro" I heard him call my name but I just walked away I didn't want to stay to hear any more stories of any of them.

I made my way back to my room and closed the door. With a heavy heart feeling numb all over. I undressed and threw the dress on one of the couches in the room not even caring if it was the most expensive dress I have ever had I got an over-sized t-shirt and pulled it on climbing into bed and I let go of everything, I let go of the last bit of hope I had. I broke down and cried for my messed up life, I cried for my best friend that couldn't be here. I was just here for his amusement and to take all the shit out on

I felt ...


I was a no one

I was just a business deal that's all.

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