Kiss and Tell(only you)

Start from the beginning

The end of the school day came and I was walking home, I really didn't want to endure the crappy bus ride. Of course that made fat ass mock me saying I was too poor for the fucking bus. What a dick. I was walking by the park when Criss called my name. "PST KENNY!" She yelled in no attempt for a whisper. She wore pink camo pants and a matching shirt, weren't they supposed to be green? I walked over to her and she lowered her sunglasses looking around suspiciously before speaking.

"We need to talk."  I gave her the most uninterested look I could, flipped her the bird, and started walking off(see I DON'T like her). She grabbed my orange parka that I never put up and pulled me towards her. Before I could protest she pressed her lips against mine. I really wanted to pull away... But what guy wants to pull away from a kiss from a pretty-no- GROSS girl... After she stepped back, with no hint of red on her face, and my face red as the fucking sun she smiled.

"Now that you're interested will you stay and talk a while. I don't have much time till I'm scheduled to see my maker." I tilted my head in confusion.

"What the hell are you ta-" Again she pulled me into a kiss, a stupid dumb pathetic, did I mention her mouth smelled like watermelon and strawberries with a hint of mint, how do girls pull that off... What was I ranting about again? Oh, right I hated that kiss... Right... Anyway, I hate surprises so you could tell I was even MORE PISSED when she shoved me back and started to walk away from me.

"WHAT THE HELL, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" I screamed catching the glance of everyone at the park, which by the way was for 5-9-year-olds so we looked like creeps...  I looked away and decided to follow Criss again. 

"Hey..." I tapped her shoulder. Nothing.

"Hey, come on... I didn't mean to scream..." I pleaded. Nothing. 

"You wanted to talk. Fine, talk. Talk, I won't say a damn thing if that's what you want... Just, please... Talk." Finally! YES! Finally, she turned to me fiercely, (yeah I really regretted egging her on) she gave me that dead cold stare but it didn't work quite so well when tears blocked her view. She was sobbing. God damn it! WHAT DID I DO? I mean, I let her kiss me... What else did she want from me! She covered her face with her hands and ran to a bench there were a lot of those seeing that we were still in the park. 

I sat next to her as she sobbed into her arms. "Criss..." *sob*

"Criss." *sob*

"Criss, come on. Tell me what's wrong." *sob* (it went on like this for a while so let's get to the actual event shall we?)-- I seriously need to stop asking you what I can do, I mean you're an inanimate object.

She looked up after I poked her and begged her for maybe the 800th time? She wiped her eyes and looked away. "He... He hit me..." My eye twitched. I felt like Mario when he gets that fucking leaf(why is it a fucking leaf anyway, I mean a mushroom I get, but the newer ones are a leaf right, like what the fuck)... anyway I felt like grabbing my fucking sword and RIPPING SOME BALLS OFF(Although I could use my hands for that... Nah, the bitch would probably like that)...) I wanted to throw a million questions at her but I knew that wasn't the right thing to do, I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my shoulder. I didn't know what to say(besides tell her what I'd tell that bitch, FUCK THAT PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT, YOU THINK YOU'VE SEEN ME DIE? OOOH, MOTHER FUCKER NOOOO, THAT'S CHILD'S PLAY COMPARED TO WHAT THE FUCK I'M GOING TO DO TO YOU, OH AND DYING JUST GIVES ME MORE FUCKING IDEAS MOTHERFUCKER!) but of course, I didn't say that... so I just rubbed circles into her back, I really didn't care that her boobs were pressing against my chest and like inches away from my arms and just one movement and I could be groping her... Pft, that never crossed my mind... (it actually didn't until this very moment as I write, I feel like I'm gonna cry about my missed opportunity of gold).

Criss wasn't done yet though, through her tears she forced herself to talk, and I was hoping for a name but what I got made my stomach turn. "He tousghed me." I heard it like that through tears but of course, I knew what she meant and I couldn't make her repeat it.

I scooted back and brought her face up so I could look at her. She couldn't even look me in the eye. I learned this in therapy(what little of it my parents could afford and the state of Colorado was willing to give me during my parents' imprisonment), victims often blamed themselves, still... I wouldn't let those brown eyes look down towards hell, they had a right to look at me.

"Criss..." I wasn't sure if she'd answer and I was scared she'd run off without telling me but still, I needed and answer. She nodded averting her eyes again. "No, Criss, look at me. Please, look at me." I held her chin and she kept her eyes locked with me as she still cried.

"Please, when did this happen... where, who..." I looked at her deep brown eyes, they were huge, I really wished we could stay in this trance forever and under better circumstances, but she broke away, the spell was broken and reality hit me like a crack baby going a week without well... Crack. She shook her head and started sobbing again. 

"Criss, I need you to tell me! Please! Please!" I begged and she was standing now, ready to gallop away like a deer and like Bambi's mom and because she chose to run she'd die. 

"See my maker." I looked at her confused as hell (WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEANN????) when she went on her tippy toes and kissed my forehead, walking away. I wanted to run to her, slap her upside the head for making me care, for kissing me, for falling so hard, and then pulling away, (was this what it felt for girls when guy's pulled out?), for making me worry, and most of all for making me useless to help, for making me watch as she suffered. I wanted to run, but my body was paralyzed and my brain was moving too fast trying to process everything that had just happened so instead I watched her leave. She left the park and took a straight left. My blood ran cold when I realized where she was going, and it wasn't home, no... Her maker wasn't at home... He lived right next door.

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