Cleo followed Brooklyn into the kitchen. He fixed plates for the both of them as she got herself and Nigel situated. Cleo placed the plates down and Nigel began to cry once his parents tried to eat.

"Boy, you greedy as hell." Cleo said as he placed some food on his son's highchair tray.

"Nicole, eat your food baby." Brooklyn told her daughter.

"I'm not that hungry, mommy." Nicole said quietly.

"What's wrong? Do we need to talk, Nicole?" Brooklyn asked.

Nicole shook her head. "No, I'm okay. I'm just tired."

"We need you to eat, baby girl." Cleo said. Nicole sighed and picked up her fork, obeying her father.


Brooklyn stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body. She walked into the master bedroom and found Cleo laying in the bed with his pajama pants on. Brooklyn walked over to the bed and straddled Cleo.

"I'm stressed. I deserve a good massage and some bomb ass sex." She said.

Cleo chuckled. "Which one do you want first?"

"Hmm, the sex." Brooklyn said as she tossed her towel to the floor.

Cleo sat up and began to kiss his wife. He flipped them over so he could be on top. Cleo began to kiss on Brooklyn's neck as his hands roamed her body. Brooklyn bit her bottom lip as she enjoyed his touch.

Cleo squeezed on her breasts and sucked on her right nipple. Brooklyn's breasts were one of Cleo's favorite parts of her body. After having and breastfeeding two kids, they managed to stay beautiful and perky.

Cleo's hand went down her body and he began to rub on her clit as he continued to suck on her nipples. Brooklyn closed her eyes and moaned.

Cleo's lips traveled down her body until he reached his most favorite place of her body. He replaced his fingers with his tongue and began to eat her out.

Brooklyn gasped and arched her back. Even though Cleo is the only man she has been with, she is convinced he gives the best head. Not only does he do it to pleasure her, but he does it for his enjoyment and Brooklyn can tell he enjoys doing it because once he starts, it's hard for him to stop.

Cleo closed his eyes and continued to please his wife. He loved the way she tasted on her tongue. Brooklyn ate right and took care of her hygiene so yes—she smelled and tasted good.

Cleo pulled away and licked his lips. He looked up at Brooklyn who was looking at him. He kept the eye contact as he licked on her clit. Brooklyn moaned and reached down to touch his head. She pulled him closer and Cleo wrapped his arms around her thighs. Brooklyn gripped his head, snatching his durag off.

Brooklyn moaned more as she felt her climax rising. She gripped the sheets and began to breathe heavily. Cleo could tell she was about to climax so he began to finger her as well, adding more pleasure. Brooklyn moaned his name as her back arched. Her legs shook as her climax took over her body.

Cleo continued to eat her until she finished climaxing. He licked his lips as he stuck his fingers into her mouth. Brooklyn sucked on his fingers, tasting herself.

Cleo took his fingers out of her mouth and kissed her lips. He took off his pajama pants and boxers, revealing his erection. Brooklyn opened her legs wide as her husband hovered over her. He kissed her lips as he entered her slowly. Brooklyn began to moan immediately. She wrapped her legs around his waist and closed her eyes as he stroked in and out of her.

Cleo knew how Brooklyn liked it—nice and slow. Every now and then, they'll have their moments when they want it rough but they like to keep a steady pace to where they both receive equal amounts of pleasure.

"Look at me, baby." Cleo said as he kissed her chin. Brooklyn opened her eyes and stared into his. They began to connect with each other mentally and emotionally as they made love to each other.

Cleo began to go deeper, making Brooklyn moan louder. "I fucking love you."

"I love you too, baby." Cleo replied as he kissed on her neck.


"What's up, coach?" Landin said as Cleo walked into the locker room.

"Sup?" Cleo replied. He looked around the locker room and spotted Shavez. "Richards!"

Shavez looked at Cleo and immediately got scared when he saw the 6'6" 270 pound man storming towards him. "Coach, I—"

Cleo jacked him up and slammed him against the lockers. All the players stopped and looked. "What's this I hear about you bullying this new kid and disrespecting my wife, huh?"

"Look man. I—"

"Shut the fuck up!" Cleo snapped. "The next time I hear about you doing some shit like this, I'll beat the breaks off yo ugly ass! Don't fucking play with me, Shavez!"

"Okay, coach! I'm sorry!" Shavez said.

Cleo released him. "Punk ass. Suit up and get yo ass on that field. You owe me fifty laps."


We're still getting to know everyone but the story will get better.

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