
17 1 2

The next couple of days at school went along smoothly with no big drama. At least not involving me.
I had become fast friends with Lexi, Xavier and Tyler. As for Reese....

Let's just say he was still a jerk. Yesterday I was just minding my own business walking to music and he came out of no where and tripped me with his foot. My books went flying and all he did was smirk.

" Whoops didn't see you there."

I kicked him as hard as I could where the sun didn't shine, " Whoops didn't see your dick there. It's pretty microscopic."

Several on lookers laughed at that but quickly stopped when Reese sent them glares.

As he walked by me he whispered in my ear, " You think it's funny messing with me? We'll find out how funny it is later."

I flipped him the bird, gathered my stuff and went to music.

You see what I mean. Pure asshole. Not to mention a pretty hot asshole.

Ms. Smith the English teacher was yelling at another poor kid who didn't know who Emily Brönte was.

After yelling about how useless this generation was, she straightened her back took a deep breath and tightened her already tight bun.

" Ok, class. We will be starting a new unit today. Along with that unit will be a partner project."

Excited whispers ran through the the room.

" I will be picking the partners."

I groaned. I could only hope I got Tyler, my only friend in the class. I glanced over at him to find him already staring at me. I smiled slightly at that. He was so sweet.

" The partners are; Charlotte and Cory, Britney and Chloe.."

The two queen bees cheered at that.

" And lastly Alexandria and Tyler."

I smiled at Tyler. He gave me a thumbs up in return.

" So the project will be to re-interpret literary classics so that your generation will understand them."

" Please get into your partner groups and I will give the title of the book you must re-interpret."

Tyler hopped out of his seat and walked towards me.

He gave me an adorable smile, " Hiya."

" Hi, how are you doing. "

" Good now that I'm near you."

I smacked him on the arm, " Oh stop."

Ms. Smith made her way towards us. She stuck out a hat that she informed us had slips of paper with titles on them.

I stuck my hand in the hat and grasped my fingers on a slip of paper.
On it read, ' Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë '.

Ms. Smith smiled, which looked odd on her face, " My favorite. I hope you do it justice."

I waited until she walked away and rolled my eyes at Tyler. " It's like she's in love with her."

Tyler chuckled. " So do want to meet at the library after school today to work on it." he said bashfully.

" Of course."

" Can't wait till then."
" Do you want to go to Chipotle after school." Lexi asked as I gathered my school things.

" Can't I'm going to the library with Tyler."

Lexi smirked and raised her eyebrows," Oh, are you sure you guys are "going to the library"."

I rolled my eyes at Lexi, " I'm one hundred percent sure."

" K."

" Ok Lex I gotta Zayn."

" Bye."

Can't wait for the next chapter. Tyler and Alex are going to be alone in a dark library ;)

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