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     I was so exhausted by lunchtime. The classes were so much longer than I was used and my stomach was growling as loud as an earthquake.

  I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I stuffed greasy fries into my mouth. They were so salty and crispy and warm and-

" Did you hear what I just said?"

I glared at the person who had interrupted my appreciation for fries.
It was a lanky looking boy with rather large eye bags.

    " I guess that answers that. I asked if I could sit here."

I shrugged and moved back to my fries.

" I'm guessing that means yes." he said setting down his lunch tray.

I responded by biting into my burger. He sighed.

" So do you talk at all?" he asked, " Or are you just always eating."
I munched on a pickle thoughtfully.

" She talks but ever since we entered the lunchroom I haven't heard anything from her except obnoxious chewing and swallowing." responded the girl who had helped me this morning.

Excuse me I meant Lexi as I had been told her name was. ( sorry, that was worded really weird )
The boy nodded.

" Yeah I noticed the obnoxious chewing and swallowing."
I started chewing even louder and gulping down my food like my life depended on it.

Lexi rolled her eyes, " She is new to Massachusetts. She just moved here from L.A."

" Do they not have burgers in L.A or something?"

I took this moment to shake my head," Not like this one."

The boys eyes lit up, " Alas! She speaks!". He continued to dramatically applaud and bow down.
I rolled my eyes at his behavior, " Who are you anyway?"
He pretended to act offended muttering things under his breath.

Lexi once again rolled her eyes, " His name is Xavier."

" Um, nice name?" I mentally slapped myself. I was so awkward around people of the opposite gender.

" I know it is.", he said smugly "My mom gave it to me."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

He began scarfing down his lunch in a very me manner. " So, what is your name?" he said between mouthfuls of chicken nuggets.

" Alexandria."

   " Complicated." he commented giving a thoughtful nod.

" What's that supposed to mean?" I said not sure to be offended or not.

   " As they say, the name is the window to the soul."

Lexi butted in, " I don't think..."
"Shh." he said silencing her by putting his finger over her lips.

"  Are you calling me complicated?" I finally said.

   " No. Your name is."

"That doesn't make sense."

  " You have to be very intellectual to understand, honey." he said sympathetically patting me on the shoulder.

" I can feel my I.Q dropping every second I spend around you."

    " Puhleeze, if I wanted to die I would just jump from your ego down to your I.Q." he said rather sassily.

Lexi let out a snort.

I crossed my arms across my chest, " I don't like you attitude young man."

   " Sorry."

" You have to give me a fry and I'll forgive you."

He surrendered a fry which I happily munched on.

I was in fry bliss until the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

I jumped up throwing out my trash, Xavier and Lexi joined me.

" So what class do you have next?" asked Xavier.

" English."

" Good luck. Mrs. Smith is a tough cookie."

I rolled my eyes at his choice of words. " Thank you for the heads up."

" What do you have after that?" he asked.

" Music."

He grinned, " I'll see you then."

" Can't wait." I responded sarcastically.

" Just try to not die from the lack of Xavier." he said grinning.

Oh I won't. I had enough to roll my eyes at already.


And that is the second chapter !

I picture Xavier as Cole Sprouse and Lexi as Amandla Stenburg.

Idek who should play Alexandria.

⚡🌴🅰🌱  🅿⭕⚡📍🌴📍♈📧

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