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     Five years later I finally found my way to the girls locker room. I opened the door and immediately I was hit with the over powering smell of perfume and sweat. Gagging slightly I walked in found my locker and grabbed my gym clothes. As fast as I could I changed into the oversized shirt and athletic shorts. Finally I put on some deodorant re-adjusted my ponytail and stepped into the gym.

I felt pretty comfortable. I was pretty athletic and could play just about any sport. Plus I was a fast runner. Hopefully they would have something challenging here.

I cracked my knuckles and did a couple of stretches. I had done just about every sport at my old school so I had picked up a few tricks I could use to show off. Call me cocky, but I was proud.

I used to be super un-athletic. I was pretty much a slug laying on a couch but when I started gaining weight I still ate the food I liked but I started exercising and it helped a lot.

I was snapped out of my flashback when a beefy muscle head walked over to me.

" Hey babe, you need some help stretching."

" Not from you."

He chuckled nervously. He obviously thought I would be an easy catch. " Don't be like that babe."

" Don't call me babe."

" Feisty."

" Yeah especially when I kick you in the balls."

He noticeably blanched and walked away slowly.

Someone let out a low whistle near by.

" I don't know if I should be scared to approach you."

I turned around to see a relatively nice looking dude.
" Unless you're an asshole you'll be alright."

" Phew." he wiped off imaginary sweat. " I just wanted to tell you that you are the first girl I've seen to turn down Rick."

I smiled, " So that's the little shits name."

The boy laughed lightly and smiled at me. " My name is Tyler."

I returned the smile," I'm Alexandria the best person you'll ever meet."

Tyler smiled his beautiful smile again," I don't doubt that for a minute."

My heart nearly, almost, just about melted at that. He was so sweet.

" So are you new around here?"

" Yup, I just moved here from L.A"

" Ooh, I've always wanted to go to California. I bet it's much warmer than here in Mass."

I nodded," It is."

" That explains your nice tan."

Thankfully my 'nice tan' covered up the blush about to rise to my cheeks.

" Alright you couch potatoes it is time to sweat." I spun around to find that the gym teacher was talking. She was a relatively old lady with an oversized red sweatsuit on and a sweatband around her short blond pixie cut.

I glanced over at Tyler who was adorably trying to get a piece of his soft looking hair out of his eyes.

" I don't know what all you kids do these days but I know that it isn't healthy." she had an evil glint in her eyes," Today we are going to start with an athleticism test to sort out the weak from the strong."

Groans could be heard throughout the gym. I shrugged. I'll be fine.

The teacher clapped her hands together, " Let's get started."

For the first test we each had to run 5 laps around the gym. I easily ran my share without breaking a sweat. Already some people were panting heavily. (me)

Afterwards we had to find a partner for the next test. I wound up being partners with Tyler, which personally I wasn't complaining about.

We had to take turns doing a wheelbarrow with each other. Tyler and I zoomed thought this without any problem.

The teacher blew her whistle. " If any of you aren't tired now you're not doing it right."

Apparently, I wasn't doing it right.

I effortlessly did the rest of the test such as push-ups, sprinting, a flexibility test and a balance test.

Finally the teacher blew her whistle one last time and dismissed us. I jogged over to the door where she stopped me, " You're pretty athletic for someone like you."

I knew it was supposed to be a compliment but really? What was 'someone like you' supposed to mean!

Shaking it off I made my way to the locker room. I swiftly took a shower and changed just in time for dismissal.

  Finally I walked to my locker where I grabbed my things turned and promptly ran into someone.

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

" Keep it." said the boy in an aggressive voice.

" I-"

" I said keep it."

" I didn't hear you mention that you were an asshole." I muttered under my breath.

The boy growled, " Watch your mouth, you don't know what you are getting yourself into."

I rolled my eyes, side stepped him and made my way around the corridor.

Lexi was there waiting for me.

She smiled then smirked," So I saw you talking with Reese."

I shrugged, " We were hardly talking. I ran into him and he acted like a jerk."

Lexi raised an eyebrow, " Typical behavior. He's the school's bad boy."

I snorted at that. How clichè could this get?

" He's pretty hot isn't he?" asked Lexi excitedly.

" Yeah for a piece of shit."

Lexi laughed, " You're saying that now, but sooner or later you will fall into his trap of charm."

" Ha. Good luck with that."

" He won't need luck."

So..... We have two new characters

Isn't Tyler so sweet? I picture him as Dylan o'brien and Reese as Francisco Lachowski.

Once again-

🌴♓🅰🎵🎋        🌱⭕⛎.     🎏⭕®.     ®📧👌📍🎵❡❡

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