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      " Hey, are you a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you."

" Overused."

" Will you be my girlfrien? Don't worry you'll get the d later."
(If any of u know where this is from ily)

" Not bad."

I was currently reviewing pickup lines from Xavier. Apparently he needed a female's opinion before he used it in real life. Some of them were pretty good but for the most part they just kind of made me cringe.

Xavier put on an absurd thinking face, " I think I've run out."

I gasped in mock shock," Does that mean I can finally learn something in music?"

Xavier smirked.

" Don't count on it weirdo."

I sighed and turned to look at my music teacher who couldn't care less about what we were doing. She continued ranting monotonously about the power of vibrato while most of the kids were fooling around.

" Wait I have one more." he cleared his throat dramatically, " Are you an astronomer? If so can you teach me about Uranus?"

I let out a snort at this one.

" They are getting slightly more creative." I commented.

" Good. Ladies dig a creative guy with a man bun."

I laughed, " I'm trying to picture you with a man bun. It's physically hurting me."

" Puleeze your ovaries would probably burst if you saw me with one."

" Don't get ahead of yourself." I responded, " The ladies don't dig a cocky man."

" Yeah unless it's in them."

Sigh. I walked into that one. Mental reminder: don't say anything that could be turned into a innuendo around Xavier.

" You are gross."

He shrugged and flicked a piece of paper across the room, " It's contagious, so watch out."

He made a creepy face and scooted closer to me. In return I scooted farther down the bench.

Luckily I was saved by the bell.

" Bye wierdo, I have to go to gym."

He awkwardly saluted me and gathered his things.

Gym. This is going to be interesting.

Sorry about this kind of filler chapter.

So what do you think about Xavier and Alexandria.

I was thinking that their ship name could be Xandria

Please don't be a silent reader.

Every vote and comment makes my day so.....

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Undercover AthleteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon