/ Chapter 13 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 13

"Hey Haley, can I talk to you?" Brittany said, coming out of the water and over to me interrupting my tan.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, putting my stuff in my bag. We started walking down the beach.

"Do you hate me?" She asked after a minute.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm dating Parker."

"I don't hate you. I just don't understand. Weren't you with Nick? What happened?"

"I was. But one day I went over to his house, I saw him making out with another girl."

"Wow. Were you surprised? Cause I'm not. He did the same thing to me but with you and in a different way."

"I was at first, but now, I'm not. After I saw him making out with this girl, I ended it. Parker must of found out so he came over to see if I was okay. One thing led to another and we ended up making out. 2 dates later, I'm his girlfriend and here we are now."

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Parker. Even though you aren't my favorite person in the world right now, I'll support you guys if you're happy. And I'll try to like you more."

She stopped walking smiled, and reached out and hugged me. "Thanks."

I hugged her back and said, "No problem, but let's start heading back."


Rain ruins almost everything. About an hour after Brittany and I had that conversation, I saw some rain clouds coming in. I didn't think anything of it so we didn't do anything. Of course, that was a bad idea, because 10 minutes later it was pouring and all of our stuff got wet. So now, I'm sitting in the backseat of the car, dripping wet. Having no dry towel to keep me warm or dry.

Luckily, the car ride back to our house is short. Well, first we had to drop of Nicole and Brittany, then we could go home.

So, we dropped them off and went home. "I'm going up to shower!" I announced.

"What? That's no fair! Guys shower faster!" Ryan complained.

"Well, you snooze you loose."

"You know, if we shower together, we both would get our wishes." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Sure, in your dreams." I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to shower. I turned on the shower to get the warm water flowing then I went into my room to grab clothes. After I grabbed some clothes, I went into the bathroom, closed the door, undressed, and went into the shower.

I did my normal routine - in and out of the shower - then went back into my room and read The Bad Boy and the Tomboy on my phone.

A lot of chapters later, Parker barged into my room. "Get up, we're going to the mall."

After the word mall I dashed out of my room and into the car taking shotgun. Parker and Ryan soon came outside. Parker was laughing and Ryan was pouting because he knew he had to sit in the backseat. I stuck my tongue out at him and we drive to the mall.

"Where to first?" Parker asked as we entered the mall.

"Macy's! Duh!" I answered.

Parker rolled his eyes and said, "Well I have to return some stuff at Abercrombie that I don't like. Ryan, you stay with her, I'll meet you two in Macy's."

Ryan and I shared a look of annoyance but agreed nevertheless. We headed toward Macy's and since we were on the second floor, we had to go down. I went to the closest elevator and we hopped inside.

I pressed the button to go down to the first floor. A few seconds into the trip down, the elevator lurched to a stop.

"Ahh!" We screamed. "What's happening?" I asked scared.

"I-I don't know!" Ryan's responded, sounding scared. "I'll call Parker."


"Hey.... We're in the elevator... No, it stopped going down. Can you try and figure out what's wrong?... Ok... Thanks man... Bye."

"What did he say?"

"He overheard some people talking. There was a fire in the other end of the mall so the elevators stopped running. They got the fire out and they are now trying to get the elevators back up and running. They don't know how long it will take so it looks like we're stuck in here."

"Ok." I said annoyed and scared. Great. I'm stuck with Ryan in an elevator. What are we supposed to do?

"Want to play cards? I brought some just in case I got bored here." He asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"How would you get bored at a mall?"

"I ca only shop for a certain amount of time. It gets boring after a while."

"Ok." We play a couple rounds of Trash and War. Then we played some Spit and BS.

After about an hour of playing cards, I said, "I'm scared. What if we never get out of here?"

"Then we'll play rock paper scissor shoot to see who we'll eat first." That made me more scared and I think he noticed because he said, "Hey, it's okay. We'll get out. I promise." He scooted next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

I lay my head on his chest and close me eyes. I feel a light kiss on my forehead. "I promise." He said barely above a whisper.


I'm sorry! This chapter is kinda short! I didn't have a lot of time to write this week but I promise the next chapters will be longer!

Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Teaser: Do Haley and Ryan get out of the elevator? They have a little 'moment'! I think you all will be very happy about a special someone's confession! Parker and Ryan surprise Haley!

Early update: 315 reads!

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