If I Could Stay

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(Warning: there is a lot of change in POV's)

Alice's POV (probably wasn't expecting that)

It was finally here!!! Alex's 17th birthday.

We, meaning mostly me had to beg her to tell us when it was and when she finally did we decided to throw her a birthday party.

After hours or more like days she finally allowed us to throw the party. There you would find the Cullens of course, the pack, Billy, Charlie, Bella, and Nico.

"Hold still or we'll NEVER finish on time" the only thing that made it hard to throw the party was that Alex wouldn't hold still.

Rosalie and I had been put in charge of making sure that Alex looked perfect and was there on time. The problem was that she wouldn't stop moving.

"THERE!!!" Rosalie shouts out and backs away from her spot right in front of the mirror. We both stand back observing our work on the birthday girl.

Alexandria was dressed in a minty colored dress that went down to her knees. The girls had curled her black hair and left it down, she wore white flats because she refused to wear heels. They of course did her make-up with lavender lipstick and light eyeliner. Lastly she wore her earings and charm braclet like always, even though they were deadly weapons they made great accessories.

Alex turned around to see how she looked and gasped "I...I look..."

"Beautiful," Rose announces "now we have to hurry or we'll be late for your own party" grabbing both of our wrists she drags us away from my bedroom where we were getting ready and toward our living room.

We all wanted to have it outside but it was much too cold and the snow littered the ground. Alex's birthday was on December 15th which came to a surprise to most because she loves the sun and hates the cold.

Still we tried to fix the house just as wonderful as it would have been outside. The couches and chairs were pushed back to make room for dancing, lights were strung around the room and there was a big buffet table mostly there for the pack.

Coming down the stairs we could hear Edward playing the piano. As soon as we got down there all eyes were on Alex, jaws dropped which was understandable considering nobody had ever seen Alex in a dress before.

The reaction I loved the most however was Seth's.

Bella's POV

Rosalie and Alice did a wonderful job on Alex. When she walked down those stairs I could hardly even reconginze her.

Looking around, I could see that I wasn't the only one surprised at her appearance.

Seth was smiling the largest and his eyes shined brightly.

He slowly walked up to her and took her hands, kissing her cheek he softly told her happy birthday.

Then the party comensed.

....................Time Skip.....................

Seth's POV

She was beautiful, my friend, my imprint, and now my wonderful girlfriend.

I had never imagined that we would get together.

Of course I liked her, but she was smart, funny, fierce, and just all in all amazing.

That night I stayed close to her but watched as she socialized with her friends and family.

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