Movie Night and Capture The Flag

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    Seth's POV.......

        As Friday rolled around I got ready for my movie night with Alex, her and Bella were coming over to hang out with Jake and I. Of course there was a chance Nico and the rest of the pack could come too but I was hoping it would be just us. It's not that I don't like Nico it's just I feel as if he has a better chance with Alex than I do, I've liked Alex ever since we met during capture the flag.

          However even after how long we've known each other she's known Nico longer. Not only that but their so much alike it's scary somtimes, just imagining her and him hands closed tightly together with her laughing at a joke he probably just told her.

      Yep I had it bad,

           Then I imagined with us together, her eyes were sparkling and she was laughing running around on our cliff diving spot. By the time I realized I was sitting on Jake's couch while Jake was waiting in his room the door bell rang. Opening the door I was happy to see only Bella and Alex, I invited the two in and tried to start a conversation.

          "So Bella, Jake told me Billy was at Charlie's for the time being" the two girls giggled which was a weird thing for both of them to do. "Oh yeahhh," Alex laughs "him and Billy are having a wonderful time" 

      "Well I sure hope so" Jake inturpted from behind us "those two were made to be Friends" we all laughed and sat down. I saw Jake go to the corner of the room and put in grown ups two (lol! I just watched this like two days ago even if I've seen it a million times)  and he sat back down next to Bella. 

       Alex got a blanket and lay s down across my lap and I happily pulled her closer. I think we were all thinking this would be a nice quiet hang out time, that's not what we got. During the middle of the movie we all started to throw popcorn at each other and crated a full out war. After we were done Jacob groaned " dad's gonna kill me" 

          The couch was over turned, popcorn on the floor and in between cushions, pillows were everywhere, and we had candy all over. I saw out of the corner of my eye Alex was pulling out a tootsie roll from her hair where other pieces of yummy candy lay. When I turned to Bella she was slowly walking backwords away from the mess and the others.

        When I turned back to Alex she was doing the same thing, I decided it would be best to follow their example. Within seconds we were out the door and two minutes later I got a pretty colorful text from Jake about his living room, but that was his problem. I couldn't focus on that when I was driving, especially with Alex in the car, the daughter of Posideon was playing uno on her phone but every so often she would sneak a glance at me.

       Seeing her I was reminded of when we first met and she almost killed me,


           It was capture the flag and this game would be especially hard core, yes somthing dangerous had happened Annabeth and Percy were the leaders of different teams. It would be hard to get the flag because according to Annabeth Percy would probably be guarding it himself.

         Annabeth made it quite clear that all we had to do was disarm him and keep him down. Me, a Ares girl, and Annabeth were to go find the flag while a decoy group was sent out to make them think Annabeth was going to the flag. We used Annabeth's sister as her look alike, after they led all the Hephaestus kids from us we left.

         Apparently we misjudged and there were still Apollo campers in the trees ready to shoot, not only that but Thalia the daughter of Zeus was here from the hunters of Artemis to check on the war effort. Which was bad because she was brewing up quite the storm, Annabeth looking around at everything turned to me.

       "We're going to be overun," she then dug into her back pocket and handed me somthing " it's a gift from my mother makes me invisible, take it and use it to get pass and find the flag" I nodded at her and put it on I would not let my team down.

(Oh and I'm not telling who his parent is you have to find out and whoever does before I tell you is awesome )

         Carefully sneaking threw the woods without making a sound I finally found the flag, it was right by the creak which was stupid because that was the boundary line. But I knew they did that for a reason, the flag was right next to the creak and where's there water there's a Percy, Percy was here I just knew it.

          I looked up in the trees and around them but I couldn't find the green eyed boy, I turned around about to just grab the flag but when I turned around there was a wall of water around it. Turning around again I was met with a pair of stern sea green eyes but that's not what was surprising, what's suprising was they belonged to a woman. At first I was confused but then remembered, Percy had a half sibling but hardly anyone ever saw her she was always hanging out with Percy, Annabeth, or the son of Hades Nico.

            "I know your there, I can feel the water molecules in your body" she circled me and I could honestly say I was afraid "well come on, I'm not going to wait here all day you want the flag your going to have to fight me for it." 

           She stopped a few feet in front of me and charged, she was amazing her fighting skills looked about equal to Percy's. Yet Percy wasn't as graceful as his sister, she jumped blocked and never lost contact or focus during our fight, all the while she held up the water barrier. Just as she was making a strike at my head the horn sounded and I was slow to react, her blade was coming in to fast for her to stop it. Suddenly someone else's sword got in the way of her blade and blocked it.

           I recognized the sword immediately, it was riptide blocking it's counterpart τυφώνας or Hurricane the twin swords were identical except while Percy's was a silver celestial bronze hers was gold and silver, she called the gold metal imperial gold. But wouldn't tell us were she got it, she always wore long sleeves and refused to wear anything with short sleeves so she was obviously hiding somthing on her arm.

Anyways at the campfire I sat with my brothers and sisters and we sung the songs the Apollo campers directed us to, I was pretty surprised to see that someone approached me and that it was Alex. "Hey" she sat next to me "umm, hi I guess" she sighed and looked down at her lap.

"I'm sorry, for you know almost chopping off your head" I looked a t her surprised but the surprise turned into a soft smile "thank you, for apologizing though you really didnt need to, I'm sure you didn't mean it." Then I saw it, the most beautiful thing about this girl I just met her smile and I realized that maybe all she needed was a friend.

"Wanna roast marshmallows?" I asked her and she bit her lip "umm, I don't really know how" she says back and I act scandalized "whaaat, who's never roasted marshmallows that's like a childhood must" she pushed me and we started laughing and I just realized that she and I would be great friends or maybe even more.

Before The End (Pjo/twilight Crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt