Its Not Too Late

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                    Yes, yes, I know you want to read the chapter but I have something to say to you guys. I found out this story has 1.1k reads and I just want to say thank you. I know my story isn't the best but I love all of the support I get, every time someone asks me to update and every vote and comment makes me sooo happy. Its those things that make me happy to say that I have 1.1k reads on my story, so just for my 1.1k reads I wrote another chapter that wasn't going to be up for a least another day. Also I'm making a one-shot book and in that book will be a contuined one-shot of my new Tratie one-shot. That one-shot book will also have different fandoms in it, and lastly why my chapter wasn't up. I am a type 1 diabetic and this weekend I was hospitalized, now onto the story.

             I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, "for the last time you can't go." I had been arguing with Bella for the past ten minutes, she wanted to go to the war with me but I wouldn't budge.

           The Cullens had argued to that Bella should stay and they go with me but I was having none of it. While I was busy with them Seth was dealing with the boys saying that they should just let me go.

           As soon as he said that everyone turned to him in shock, "are you kidding me right now?" Jake screeches out " I thought she was your imprint, I thought you'd want to protect her."

                "I do but maybe she can protect herself," Edweirdo scoffs " are you serious? she's human or at least half human and a girl!"

                I take a step forward threateningly " that's a low blow there goldy, you sure you want to go there?" It wasn't very noticeable but I thought I saw him smirk and I had, had enough. Walking over I grabbed Seth's hand and whistled for my pegasus Snow, she was Blackjack's twin and a gift from Luke before he turned. I wanted to name then yin and yang but they already had names.

              Snow came flying towards us looking like a cloud, her wings were spread wide and I could tell the others were in awe of her. Jumping up I held out my hand to Seth who was too busy petting Snow to notice, but everyone else sure did. 

                               "Hold on," Paul calls out "why does Seth get to go?"

         I rolled my eyes at the fact they haven't figured it out yet " he knows how to fight............and isn't annoying"

                     Rosalie gasps "do you mean--" I smiled happy that one of the bimbos figured it out.

            " Yep Seth's a demigod so of Hermes." Finally looking up Seth grabs my hand and I pull him up. we took off and no one tried to stop us, the only thing I didn't hear was the whispered words of Bella. " Be safe Alexandria."

           (And That's A wrap...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................NOT!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I GOT YOU!!!!!!! HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY SUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!, I know its late but hey give me a break I was in the hospital!!!!)

       We had been flying for a while and I refused to take a break, we had already wasted enough time. The only time we had stopped was when we were switching from sleeping to making sure Snow stayed on course and the other didn't fall off.

         Seth forced me to stop watching and get some sleep, "promise you wont let me fall?" He looked at me all serious then slowly held up his pinkie.

          "I pinkie promise" I laughed a little then lean back slowly against his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.

          It seemed as if I was only sleeping for a second when I was suddenly shook awake, opening my eyes the first thing I saw was the worried eyes of Seth. "Whats wrong?" I say quickly sitting up, Seth shakes his head before answering me.

           "You need to see this" looking below us I could see smashed cars, broken buildings, statues missing from there pedestals, one of the bridges were broken, and there were people running everywhere. But the most attention grabbing thing was the empire state building where demigods, Greek monsters, and was that Hades? 

              In the corner of my eye I could see Seth pointing towards the Hudson and I looked in that direction. Huge balls of energy were flying around one big huge wreaking ball of energy, many people including myself recognize them as the gods and Typhon. My father and Tyson were leading the assault and soon Typhon was done for, all this was great but I needed to find Percy and there was only one place to look.

              "Head to the throne room" I turn to Seth "that's where they'll be" nodding he turns Snow in the right direction and pulls out his weapons.

                His first choice of weapon was a sword that had unlike others, never seen battle before Seth came along. It was shiny but not to flashy, perfect for a son of Hermes really. His other weapon was a gift from his father for recovering a lost necklace of his father's, the weapon was a belt that never ran out of throwing knives. 

              Of course he had to learn how to use them, but once he did he was a natural on the battle field."Start firing shots at wherever you can" he yells without looking back "until we get to the throne room this is as much as we can help!"

           "Maybe not- DUCK!!!!" I yell as soon as a harpie comes out of nowhere "look, if we can get low enough without you getting shish-kabobed then you go and help while I go to the throne room"

            "WHAT!!!" he looks back at me "that's a terrible idea, we can't split up, why would we split up!!!" 

            "Look Seth, I know you don't want to split up and me to get hurt but I need to do this" Sighing he looked back towards the building then to the battle around it.

            "Alright fine," he looks at me and I'm taken back "but you have to promise that its not to late"

                                "what? Seth what do you-" but he cuts me off which annoys me to no end.

                    "You have to promise that its not to late to save him" he pleads "it was to late to save a lot of people, don't let it be too late to save Luke too"

                     Again I'm taken back just by looking at him because what I see in his eyes are love, pure love. But for who? Luke? No the love I just saw was the kind of love that was not shared between siblings, so who? 

                 "I promise Seth" I breath out and he looks relived "it wont be too late, I love Luke just as much as you do" 

            "Alex its not too late to save everyone else, its not too late to save yourself" confused by his words I nod anyways.

                                                                   Its not too late

           Hey, sorry for the crappy ending to the chapter but I was sick in the emergency room and now I'm sick again and sneeze and cough every four seconds *cue sniffle*. Well enough about me, I have 1.1k reads and I cried the day I found out, to find that people actually read this and stick to reading this is amazing. Also I've thought about that prequel I'd said I'd make for the story after this and I can't wait to start. That and are there any one-shot requests for m one-shot book? 

                                                        Peace out and best wishes, Live4Fandom


Before The End (Pjo/twilight Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon