Surprises and Family Reunions

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Alexandria's POV

As soon as I got off of the plane I thanked Zeus for keeping me alive, then I thanked my father for not allowing him to kill me. Of course I knew he wouldn't let me die but you never know with gods, I realized I was holding people up so I grabbed my luggage and left.

My father said he had a surprise for me once I got off the plane so I could only hope it wasn't the gray sister's taxi. I walked out of the airport and out to the curb where I found the one person I didn't expect to see, Nico was standing there with his arms out as if waiting for me to come running. Instead I kicked him in the groin and started yelling, "what the heck Nico!, you made me ride that death trap when you could have shadow traveled here with me!"

I was seriously pissed and this had better had not been my dad's gift or he won't get any offerings for a week. Nico must have realized I was still mad and said "I think I should take you to your surprise now" he grabbed my hand and led me across the street to a parking lot. He then took a toy car out of his pocket and set it on the ground then he took out some car keys and put them in my awaiting hands. I wasn't stupid, I knew about magic and the mist how it bent reality and made this car look toy sized.

I pressed on of the buttons on the key pad and watched as the tiny toy turned into a awsome blue buick cascada with leather seats and smelled like the ocean on the inside. You could tell by the huge smile on my face that I was totally okay with this surprise, I got in the car and jestured for Nico to do the same. Soon we took off, we went speeding down the street and we're so going past the speed limit but hey that's what the mist was for.

Nico started messing with my radio and a Taylor Swift song came on, we looked at each other and shook our heads. He turned the channel again and a good song came on, I slapped his hand away and soon we were both singing along to Thanks For The Memories and Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy.

After awhile we pulled up to a house that I asume was my uncle's house considering it looked the same from my last visit when I was 11 years old. I could see a old looking truck and a silver car in the driveway, I pulled up and parked. Looking at Nico I could see him reaching over and he squeezed my hand in reassurance, I nodded and breathed a sigh before stepping out of the car.

As soon as I slammed the door I could see the front door opening and I prepared myself to see the only family besides Percy I had left.

Bella's POV

Just as Edward, Alice, and I sat down we heard a car pulling up and I looked out the window only for my jaw to hit the floor. Outside in my yard was a memorizing dark blue car, where as my car was beat down and loud this car looked perfectly new and a soft humming sound came from it. I wasn't usually interested in cars but this one just demanded attention, I then realized that this car was my cousin's and I hopped up and threw open the door.

Running out the door with Alice and Edward behind me, I ran to the teenagers leaning against the car. One of them stepped forward to meet me. I studied the teen for a minute, she was average size but a little taller than me. The girl wore a black my chemical romance t-shirt and skinny jeans, her long black hair fell down her back in curls but it had blue streaks in it. But even under her hair those sea green eyes where unforgettable, I rushed at her pulling her into a huge hug and nether of us let go.

We soon heard a coughing noice behind us and we turned around to see the other teenager smirking at us. I took the opportunity to study him too, he had brown almost black curls and pale skin though not as pale as me mind you. He to had on a chemical romance t-shirt and his pants were black along with his combat boots, as if that wasn't enough he also had a skull ring on his fingure, he looked emo and that was not the type I wanted my cousin to hang out with.

"Oh!, sorry I forgot to introduce" Alex apologized and pointed to the emo "this is my best friend Nico di Angelo " I put on a fake smile and shook his hand, after I was done I pointed to my friends. "This is Edward my boyfriend and his sister Alice" I thought I saw her stiffen when she saw them but I think it was my imagination, I mean she couldn't know they were vampires could she?

"So Nickky how long are you staying?" I heard Alex ask and I looked there way. Nico looked annoyed by the nickname but then he smiled devilishly "well kelphead," Alex scowled "Im actually staying the whole year here in Forks" he said Forks like this was the worst place ever. Suddenly her face brightened "really?, why"

Nico hesitated like he was trying not to say the wrong thing, "well, my dad said that I should stay here why'll he works in LA" Edward almost chocked and so did I and he said "your staying here with the girls" he said this wide eyed and Nico had the nerve to laugh at his expression.

"Heck no!" He replied "my dad is renting me a house while I'm here" I sighed in relief and a half hour later everyone left while me and Alex caught up.

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