I fell in love with my kidnapper

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I walked up to where my bedroom used to be. It was an empty room. I furrowed my eyebrows, "mum! Where's my stuff?" I asked angrily.

She sighed, "it's in the attic, like I said, I thought you was dead," she told me again.

I groaned, "can you please put my bed up for me?" I couldn't be bothered to do it myself.

She smiled softly, "if you help to get it in here." I agreed and half an hour later my room was full of boxes of my stuff.

"I need it the same as before I left," I instructed her strictly. She nodded and I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I opened the cupboard and got out a box of Poptarts, "come to mummy," I grabbed the box and ripped it open. I put two of them in the toaster and waited for them to pop back up. When they did I put them onto a plate and dug in. I ate another packet before going to check on my mum. She was just putting my pillow on as I walked in.

   I smiled, "good job," I threw myself onto my bed and snuggled my head into the pillow. I wish James was here, I could snuggle my head into his chest instead.

   My mum sat beside me, "I'm so happy your safe," she said me softly.

   I frowned slightly, "I was safe there mum," I told her.

   She shook her head, "he kidnapped you, how could you feel safe with your kidnapper?" She looked angry at me.

   I narrowed my eyes and sat up, "I love him mum!"

   "Maybe you do have Stockholm syndrome," she said it more to herself than me.

   I growled quietly, "no I don't mum! Can't you see? I fell in love with my kidnapper! We got married mum! I'm pregnant, that's what happens when you're in love!" I was crying and shaking with anger now.

   She gasped, "you're pregnant?" She repeated quietly.

   I let out a long breath, "yes," I gritted out. I got out of my bed and put on a coat.

   My mum also got up, "where are you going?" She asked.

   "Out," I said bluntly and stormed out of the house. Stupid mum, she thinks she knows everything. I walked to the park down the road from my house and sat on the park bench. I dropped my head into my hands.

   "Lily?" Someone poked me. I snapped my head up.

   I smiled slightly, "Sarah."

   Sarah began crying, "it was all my fault! If I didn't leave you alone with them it wouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have let you sit with him," she sat down next to me and buried her head into my chest.

  I patted her back, "it's not your fault. I'm a big girl, I have to look after myself," I told her and offered her and smile that she couldn't see.

   She looked up at me, "you died your hair?"

  I swallowed nervously, "yeah... Yeah I needed a change," I lied.

  She nodded, "I like it. It suits you," she smiled at me.

    I stood up, "I'll see you later, I've got to go somewhere," I gave her a quick wave and jogged to the other side of the park. I pulled out my phone that was luckily in my coat pocket and called a cab. It arrived in around five minutes.

  I got in the back, "can you take me to the hospital, please."

   "Sure thing," the man offered me a polite smile through the rear view mirror. The drive was short and silent and when we arrived I gave him the money and practically ran into the reception.

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