My new home

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    I only looked back at my kidnapped when he stopped the car.

   "Get out," James told me. I looked up at him and then looked through the window. He sighed, "I said get out," he repeated.

   I rolled my eyes, "James?" I said innocently.

   He ran a hand through his sexy black hair, "what?"

   I smiled, "the door is locked, remember?" I smirked. I looked down to his tight black t-shirt, his six pack was partly visible. His arms looked like they would burst out of his t-shirt because of his huge muscles.

   James chuckled slightly, "hey, Lily? You're making me self-conscious, stop checking me out," he said with a slight smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks tingle and go hot and I looked down to my legs.

   I rubbed my thigh, "can you just open the door?" I said.

  I heard a click which indicated that the door was unlocked. I opened it and began sprinting in the way we had came. I was going to escape, I was going to go home and never go out again. My smile was wiped of my face as I felt myself being tackled to the ground.

  I tried to get myself of the ground, "get of me psycho!" I screamed. I got turned so I was laying onto my back and I realised that it was James who had tackled me. Obviously.

   I tried to squirm free but James just started laughing, "try that again and I will knock you out," he said, the seriousness returning to his voice.

   "Get off me!" I screamed and he began laughing again, the only thing I could think of to do was to shout, "Rape! Help!" I screamed again but I was silenced when I felt a fist connect with my face.

  I felt pain explode in my cheek and James rubbed my cheek and smiled, "now will you please shut your pretty mouth?" He asked and I nodded with my jaw still hanging. James lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder with obvious ease. He carried me into his house and threw me onto his couch.

   He yawned and looked at his watch, "stay here, I mean there is nowhere to go, the doors and windows are locked," he said with a  shrug.

  I scowled at him, "you should go get your torture devices to use on me then," if I was going to die, I wasn't doing it without sass.

   He laughed, "I'm not gonna kill you," he told me.

  I rolled my eyes, "I said torture not murder," I said with a smirk, "and you killed my phone without a second thought," I mumbled.

  "Stop complaining, I need to piss so just get comfortable or something," he said.

  I felt myself blush at my assumption of him getting some psychotic tools to use on me when really he just needed to use the bathroom. He walked off down the corridor and I moved around on the couch until I was comfortable. I looked around what I guessed to be the living room and saw a huge flat screen TV and a stereo on the other side of the room. He seemed to have a lot of money. Drug money I thought to myself.

    My thoughts were interrupted by James' voice, "it's getting late, do you want a shower or do you just want to go straight to sleep?" He asked.

   He was being so kind but I couldn't become friends with someone who kidnapped me. I gave him a dirty look, "why are you being so kind to me?" I asked him.

    He smirked, I hated his smirk it was so sinister and it made a shiver run up my spine, "you'll find out soon enough," he told me, "so do you want a shower or not?" He asked.

   I nodded and he gestured for me to follow him. He led me to a large room which I guessed to be his bedroom. He had an ensuite and opened the door for me, "it locks, don't worry I'm not going to walk in on you anyway," he told me with a smile.

   It locks. The bathroom door locked. That could be the only safety I could get. I ran in and locked the door behind me before sliding myself down the door and hugging myself, I began sobbing. After around ten minutes of me feeling sorry for myself i turned on the shower and stood under it for a while before wrapping a towel around my body and walking into James bedroom.

   I saw him laying on his bed watching Tv, "James? Do you have anything I can sleep in?" I asked quietly.

  He looked to me and smirked, "killer body," he said with a wink. I held the towel tighter around my body and watched as James walked into what I presumed to be his walk in closet. After a few seconds he came out and threw a grey t-shirt at me. I walked back into the bathroom and put my underwear back on, I couldn't keep wearing the same underwear for the whole time I was here. I put the t-shirt on and it came just above my knees. I walked back into the room and stared at James who was now under the covers in his bed.

    He looked up at me, "what?"

   I tugged on the end of my t-shirt to try to pull it down, "where am I sleeping tonight?" I asked.

   The evil smirk returned, "in my bed," he told me.

  "Where are you sleeping tonight?" I asked but I already knew the answer.

   The smirk grew larger, "in my bed."

   I stayed silent for a while until I was sure I wasn't going to have an emotional break down, "b... but," I stumbled over the words, "we're sleeping... Together?" I pointed out the obvious.

   He chuckled a little, "yep, sorry I can't afford another bed for you, get in," he said.

   I walked over to the bed and stayed as close to the edge as I could get, "sell one of your Tv's," I mumbled.

  He must've heard because he laughed, "goodnight Lily," he said before turning of the lamp and plunging us into darkness.

   James fell asleep in the first five minutes but I couldn't sleep. I had so many questions for him.  Why am I here? Why did he choose me? How did he get all that money? Does he go to the gym? Was he single? No! The last two questions shouldn't have gone through my head. This guy was crazy, he kidnapped me! I couldn't fall in love with him.

    "What are you doing Lily?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by James' hand on my shoulder.

   I snapped my head around to look at his sexy sleepy face, "I.. I can't sleep," I told him.

   He smiled, "lay down," he instructed me. I laid on my side facing away from him. I felt him snake his arm around my waist and he pulled himself closer to me before nuzzling his head into the back of my neck. Surprisingly, I didn't try to wriggle away from him and even more surprisingly, I let my lips curve into a smile.

I fell in love with my kidnapperحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن