Back to reality

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We were standing in the hallway now. Standing. Not pressed against the floor by a heavy man who could've killed my unborn baby. He still had a firm grip on my arms as I watched the paramedics bring in a stretcher and carefully placed James' pained body onto it. He flashed me a small smile and I gave him a more sad one. I heard hushed whispers and turned my head to the staircase. Carrie was standing in the corner and was beckoning me to go with them. I shook my head 'no' I gave her a sad smile and a small wave and put my head back down.

   The officer cleared his throat, "you need to come to the station with me," he told me and tugged on my arm as he began walking towards the front door. As I climbed into the back of the police car I saw the ambulance that James was in drive off in the opposite direction. It was a short drive to the station and we were silent until we got into a small room and two officers sat opposite me.

   A female officer smiled at me, "just so you know, this interview is going to be recorded," she said and pressed a button on what I guessed to be the voice recorder.

   A male officer placed his hands on the table, "what were you doing in the building?" He got straight to the point.

   In this interview I would have to tell him almost everything about Derek, leaving out the vampire part. I would also leave out the fact that Damian ripped Derek's liver out. Probably the smartest move.

   "I was going to find my friend," my voice came out shaky and I sounded like a toddler being accused of drawing on the wall.

   The woman officer began writing on her notepad.

   "Why was your friend in the building?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

   I couldn't say that Carrie was there! I couldn't mention any of the family apart from the ones they saw, me and James.

   I swallowed, "she wasn't."

   He leaned forward, "so why did you say she was?" He asked.

   "I thought she was, but she wasn't. The only person there was Derek," I told him.

   "Who is Derek?" He leaned back.

  "The dead one," I said quietly.

   He cracked his knuckles, "he was murdered in a very brutal, do you know who killed him?"

    I shook my head, "I think it was Spencer," I lied, "he left before you got there."

   "How did the other guy get stabbed?"

  I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat, "that's my husband, he was fighting with Derek and it must've got out of control," I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

   "Okay. So there is Derek and Spencer, what's your husbands name?"

   "James," I began fiddling with the ends of my hair.

   He nodded, "and yours?"

  "Lily. Lily-May," I said without thinking.

    He looked to the wall and my eyes followed. Stuck onto the wall near the door was a poster with my name on it. It read,


Lily-May Jones was kidnapped on the fifth of March 2015. She's nineteen and has long blonde hair...

    I couldn't read the rest. I looked down to the table, I was going to have to go home because I hadn't thought before thinking. I silently cursed myself and gritted my teeth. Both officers looked at each other before the male went over to the poster and brought it back to me.

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