Newtmas - Boyish lipstick (part 2)

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Part 2 requested by @beautygirl65 :)
Thomas's pov -
We had escaped the maze, and I looked at Newt. This, wasn't looking good; he wasn't looking good. I was worried about my love, my boyfriend, my Newt. We had lost Chuck, who died saving my life, Gally who had been stung by a griever; and got shot by Minho, and a pregnant boy who was feeling like shit and was 4 and 1/2 months along. He looked out the window, and the helicopter landed.

We were rushed in, and we met this weird man. "Hello there kids, and welcome. We'll take good care of you, I promise. And the pregnant one, and the father, a little more. Who's the pregnant one?" Newt looked up, saying, "Me." Janson smiled, and we got into our baths. Everyone was enjoying their bath, but I heard crying from Newt's. And Minho shouted, "Newt? Newt, why are you bleeding? Newt! Newt!" I ran out, and I quickly got into Newt's bath, and I saw his wrist bleeding, and he fell to his knees. He cried, and I tore the razor away from him, and held him close. He cried, and sobbed; he was broken, he had a depression that was so bad, he went to do this.

I sat down, and lifted him, and got him dried off; and the rest of the time, he just stared out the blue, and I looked at him; one boy said, "What's up with him?" I said, smiling a agony halfsmile, "Depression, maybe, but pain. He isn't feeling good." And soon Janson shouted the first named out loud, and we got to our "room" and it got locked. And that's when Newt broke down again, screaming in pain, and I sat down, holding him close, "Shh, easy Newt.. Easy babe, I got you.." He sobbed, and he cried, "I can't do anymore! Our baby can't grow up safe! I'm hurting myself, I do everything wrong!"

Minho, Frypan, Winston and the other's let a tear slip, and I hold him to him, in my arms, knowing we can't escape from the scorch anytime soon, as he was pregnant; and depressed like this, he couldn't handle that. I let a tear slip myself, and I hugged him, "Baby, it's okay.." Newt cried and screamed lightly, the pieces of him staying together in my arms. He sobbed into my neck, and I held a hand on his waist, and one on his lowerback, and I kissed his forehead, holding closer to me if it was possible for me to do that.

10 minutes, he was sleeping in my arms, red puffy eyes. I sat him softly in my arms, into my lap, neck leaning on my shoulder. "He can't do much more, Thomas..." I sighed, nodding. "I know, I know... He has to hold 5 months more out, and until then I don't know.. We can plan our escape, until then.. Can't we, Minho?" Minho nodded, "Of course, we can! We need to, to get your baby safe to this world... No matter how much we hate it here, we need to get your baby here safely.."

And then, they decided to wait until they baby was 3 months old, after he/she was born, that they'd escape there. Try to protect to the baby, the best they could out in the scorch when that time happened.


Part 2 was also, and have been requested by @haweye

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