NewtxThomas - Maze labour

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Requested by Sangster_army💕
"We can't risk it, Thomas. Not when you're 9 months along.." Thomas looked at his boyfriend, who locked their fingers together. "But why not? Why can't I? I've been able to run that damn maze through 8 months of my pregnancy.. And 9th month you're not letting me..?"

Jeff barked into the conversation, "Thomas, listen up. 9th month is where you can pop any minute. You can into labour any minute now. So.. I know you've been able to run for 8 months along, bu-" "But we can't risk your life, or our baby's life." Newt said, holding his arm around his hips. "How about we get Minho, to say if he can go or not?" Newt nodded as Gally interruped their conversation,

Newt got Gally to get Minho. Gally came in, Minho following. "Minho, do you think Thomas can go into the maze, even if his 9 months pregnant, and can pop litterally any minute?" Minho nodded. "I think so.. We won't run to far away from The Glade, we haven't done that his whole pregnancy."

Newt nodded, "Okay, but come back to The Glade straight away, if labour starts. And go straight to the Jeff and Clint, when you get back." Thomas nodded, and followed Minho out to the maze, as they ran not fast, but not slow either.

Minho asked Thomas 5 hours later, "Are you with me, Thomas?" Thomas nodded, and his face showed one feeling - pain. "Thomas.. What's wr-" thomas' pants were soaked. Thomas looked at Minho, scared to death. "Minh-hoo..." Thomas fell onto his knees, screaming.

Minho paniced a little, cause this was his fault, wasn't it? He should've said no. But it was too late now, he had to get back to the Glade with Thomas, come back to the glade straight away, if something happens. And he didn't waist a second, supporting Thomas as the contractions was only starting.

He ran, Thomas trying to follow the best he could, limping from the pain running through him. Thomas cried, falling to his knees, not having anymore energy to run on. "Minho-oo.." Minho looked back, and saw Thomas sweating, coughing and crying. Minho ran back, and set Thomas on his back, running towards The Glade again.

As he arrived 1 hour later at The Glade, he shouted, "JEFF!! NEWT!! GALLY!! THOMAS IS IN LABOUR!!" Newt, Gally and Jeff ran over to the Med-Jack's "hospital" and layed the struggling Thomas on the bed, as Newt ran to his side, holding his hand. "Thomas, easy.. Baby, calm down.." Jeff got the things ready, as fast as he could, Frypan watching through the door, his heart hurting by Thomas' pains.

Gally saw him watching, "Frypan, go. I'm leaving for Newt's and Thomas's sake." Gally pushed the boy out of the doorway, Minho shutting the door after him as he walked out of the door too. Newt sqeezed Thomas' hand, his cries only becoming louder. Jeff covered Thomas' lower religion, taking off boxers and pants, scissors and towels ready. "By next contraction, Thomas, push!" Thomas bored down, crying as the baby moved a little. He fell back, looking at Newt with distant eyes. "Newt.." Newt removed some hair from his forehead, and whiapered as Jeff looked at Newt, wishing to courage Thomas on. "Babe, you can do it. I know you can." Thomas pushed again, just a little weaker this time, and the baby moved further down.

His cries was loud. The pain was unbearable. Thomas' inner organs felt like it was on fire. Thomas screamed, Gally ran inside to his broken and wrecked condition; sweat covering him, like he was bathing in sweat, tears running like a rainstorm, his cries loud - pain taking over his body. Newt looked at Gally, "Help me. Help me courage Thomas on, I can't get through to him because of the pain he's in."

Gally ran over to him, and rubbed Thomas' arm, smoothing him as he screamed, boring down weakly. Jeff was supporting the baby's head, Thomas cried, pushing again, the burning sensation only growing worse push after push after push. Could this get any worse? "C'mon, you're almost there, Thomas. Two more big pushes, c'mon!" Thomas nodded, only thinking;


But somehow, through the inner fire in his body, he did it. He gave birth to a little boy, and he smiled weakly, as Minho and the other Glader's came in and saw the family (remove Gally from the family picture), Newt and Thomas holding hands, which is was locked together. A blue bundle was layed into Thomas' arms, he cried tears of joy, whispering:

"I did it."

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