"Mark," Lexie said, turning her face so he couldn't distract her. "Where are we moving to?"

"The penthouse."

"The penthouse," Lexie repeated. "We are moving into a penthouse?"

"Mmhmm, once it's done of course."

"Mark," Lexie said, "I can't afford a penthouse. I probably can't afford this apartment."

Mark laughed. "Lexie, I make millions of dollars a year. There is no way we are splitting the rent like roommates. Besides, I have bought both apartments outright."

"You have… I think I need to sit down," Lexie murmured, walking over to the bed and sitting down heavily. She tried to ignore how nice the bed felt.

Mark came over and sat next to her, taking her hand. "Look, I know you like being independent, but this isn't something we are going to argue about. I have money, and you are an intern who doesn't make much. No contest, I win. There are other ways that you can contribute."

Lexie looked at him. "I don't want you taking care of me. There has to be an equal balance in this relationship or…" She trailed off.

Mark looked at her like she was crazy. "Lexie, if it wasn't for you there wouldn't even be a relationship. I would still be at the Archfield with random women, and lonely but never being able to pinpoint what I was missing. You came into my life like a hurricane, Little Grey. Believe me, I was never happy that I was at Seattle Grace until that day you came to my hotel room. I am not good at this relationship stuff, I know that. But me paying for this apartment doesn't define us, not even a little bit."

Mark kissed the side of her face. "So I am taking care of you now, so what? In a few years when you are an equally famous plastic surgeon, you can buy our next house, or a vacation home somewhere." Mark grinned. "Understand of course, that I will always be the superior surgeon and you will owe all your success to my excellent tutelage."

Lexie laughed, but then sobered when she realized what he had said. "Our next house? You…you see a future for us?"

Mark nodded. "I can see a forever for us."

"Forever," Lexie whispered. "I like that." She then kissed him, and he happily went along. Lexie knew he had won this battle, but he wouldn't win them all. She couldn't care less about that now; all she cared about at this very moment was christening their brand new home.


Some time later, when they were finally able to move again, Lexie had ordered Chinese food and a bottle of wine. Thirty minutes later, they were sitting on the floor of their kitchen with food spread out in front of them like a blanket. Lexie was wearing Mark's button-down and he was in his boxers and pants.

"Oh, yum," Lexie said as she bit into her sweet and sour pork. "This will cost me a trip to the gym."

Mark laughed. "Like you need it. I have never seen anyone so tiny consume so much and not gain a pound. Must be in the Grey genes."

Lexie smiled. "No, I got that from…" She trailed off.

"From whom?" Mark asked.

She sighed. "My mother."

"Are you doing okay? We never really had a chance to talk about how your Christmas was without her." Mark had no idea how to be a supportive boyfriend, but he was sure as hell willing to try.

"It was miserable," Lexie said. "My dad was drunk the whole time, and Molly was trying to pretend that nothing was going on."

"I am sorry, Lex," Mark said.

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