"What does everybody have against me getting sleep?" Lexie asked as she opened her eyes.

Sadie laughed. "Nothing at all, I just haven't had a chance to talk to you for a while and I wanted to know how everything is going with that sex god you are sleeping with."

Lexie laughed, propping her head up on her arms. "Good, things are going good."

"What? That is all I get?" Sadie asked. "After our wonderful plan worked like a charm?"

"Your plan," Lexie said. "Besides, things had resolved themselves by then anyway."

"Admit it," Sadie said. "You have loved working with him all day, everyday."

Lexie blushed. "You are right, I have."

Sadie smiled. "Good. Now…how's the sex?"


"What? I am just curious if he lives up to his reputation as the best thing between the sheets here at Seattle Grace."

Lexie smiled to herself. "Believe me when I say that his reputation merely scratches the surface of all things Mark Sloan."

"Bloody Hell," Sadie said, fanning herself. "I am going to need details. Can your boy toy spare you tonight?"

Lexie nodded. "He has to go to this dinner with Meredith and Dr. Shepherd."

"That's right," Sadie said. "Death told me about that. Perfect then! We can go to Joe's and you can give me all the naughty details."

Lexie laughed. "That might require a lot of alcohol."

"That is something Joe's has no shortage of," Sadie replied. "Until later," she said, as she sailed out the door.


When Mark arrived at Meredith's, he was immediately pulled in the door by a harried looking Derek.

"You have to help me," he said to Mark, as he all but pushed him into the living room.

Mark shrugged out of his jacket. "What is it?"

"I am in hell," Derek said. "Mom and Meredith are in the kitchen, and I think they are going to come to blows at any minute."

"She doesn't like Meredith?"

"Hates her would be an accurate description."

Mark tried not to laugh. "I am sure that is not true; she is probably giving her a hard time because of how much she liked Addison."

"Whatever it is," Derek continued, "We have to do something. You need to take the focus off her. Distract my mother, do anything, just keep her and Meredith from all out war."

"Aw, Mark, there you are," Carolyn said, walking into the living room. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

"My surgery got bumped back," Mark explained, "I only just got out."

Carolyn nodded. "Well, the important thing is that you are here now. Come into the kitchen with me and help me cook, like you used to. I am afraid Derek's Meredith doesn't know a thing about hand-rolled pasta."

"Sure," Mark said. He then mouthed "Derek's Meredith?" to Derek, and tried not to laugh when Derek shook his head in defeat.

When Mark entered the kitchen, he grinned at Meredith who was downing a glass of white wine at an amazing speed. "Big Grey," Mark said, "And how are you this fine evening?"

Meredith glared at him, causing Mark to smile all the more. He then rolled up his sleeves and moved over by the stove with Carolyn.

"So," Carolyn began, "Do you have brothers and sisters, Meredith? Derek told me that your mother died recently."

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