T W E N T Y - T H R E E

Start from the beginning

The whole way home I couldn't look at my mum and I couldn't stop smiling. Everything ended perfectly, I got the girl just in time for my last year of school.
When I got home, I laid in my bed with my head looking up at the ceiling. I was so happy with myself. I was so happy with everything, I had someone who really, truly loved me, not someone who searched for lust and meaningless sex. That's all Elizabeth did, she just wanted attention and sex, she's so not the girl I went to primary school with, that little Elizabeth is gone completely. But as I sat in the car, I didn't think about Elizabeth. I just thought about my lovely Madeline, my lovely girl. Just the thought of her set my heart racing and my face to get hot.

I picked up my phone and opened up iMessage and reread all the nasty things we texted to each other before we made up and confronted each other about our feelings. They hurt a little to read but that period was over, thank goodness. So I began to write.

Aaron: I don't know if you're still up, I hope you aren't because you should rest but if you are I want you to know that I had the best day ever with you and I wanted so much to stay longer. Sweet dreams Maddy

I put my phone down but it buzzed in my hand.
Maddy: I'm sorry I rejected your help at the arts centre, I was still mad

I frowned for two reasons, that she was still upset at the time and for the fact she was still up.
Aaron: it's alright, I was just really worried for you, and when you fainted I was scared it was something worse.
Maddy: no I was just upset and really dehydrated apparently, I spent the week being so mad at the world, mad at you and mad at Elizabeth that it was causing me serious stress and I guess it just became to much

Aaron: Karina said some things that made me feel like a terrible person and she was the one who dragged how I felt about you out of the shadows.

Maddy: what did she tell you?

Aaron: that you were crying and screaming that you hated me and that you never wanted to see me again. She didn't believe it. Karina said that you were in denial but I thought you genuinely hated me.

Maddy: unfortunately that's true about me being screaming and crying but I don't hate you at all, can't tell you how many headaches I've had this week from the screaming

Aaron: that's my fault, I'm sorry I did this to you. Wish I let Karina tell you how I felt

Maddy: it's alright, I know now and time wasn't running out, you had so much of my heart it would take a while to feel back to normal. I figured the best way to forget you was to cut all communication with you. I almost took a dance scholarship to get me out of the city.

My heart stopped, she was going to leave? But most importantly, she gave up a dance scholarship?

Aaron: when did you win the scholarship?

Maddy: I haven't, I'm still competing for it.

Aaron: where would it take you?

She took a while, starting to type. Almost like she regretted telling me about it. If she did win one, she would have to take it. She couldn't give it up for me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew she was giving up something that big just for me.

Maddy: there are a few, one is to Russia, Saint Petersburg I think. Another in the states in NYC, then there is one in Milan Italy and one here, the royal ballet.

Silence is too loud (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now