Flashback 13

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It seemed like all the stars had finally lined up in their place. I had just been shown affection, and I took it as genuine...not greedy with an alternate motive.
"You're right," I whispered back, letting a grin form on my face,"I didn't tense up. Want to know what else is great?"
He arched his eyebrows while smiling as well. "Why not? Tell me Natalie what is so great," he laughed. That laugh could stop wars, I thought to myself.
"You know that I trust you," I answered, lacing our hands together. We both stared at each other to the point where we lost track of time. When I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 3:54.
"We should get going," he said, grabbing our bags. I agreed and we checked out of the inn, leaving a tip for the worker.
     When we got to the car, Drew loaded our stuff and I sat in the passenger seat, waiting to read a map or something.
     "Where off to now?" I asked once he was in the car. Drew just smirked and started the engine, letting suspenseful silence fill the car.
     "A place you're gonna love."
I knew we were close to our destination when Drew pulled off the interstate onto a side road that seemed to lead to a mountaintop.
"Not the top right?" I asked. Drew shook his head no.
"More like halfway up and on the side," he answered. I nodded my head and looked at the gorgeous view outside my window. The trees were rich with life and greens blended together like the perfect painting. Pinecones dotted the road and the roadside; it was like seeing a postcard in real life and never wanting to leave it.
Drew pulled over to a gate that said Private Property and he unlocked it with a key that was pulled from his pocket.
"My grandfather owned three houses. This one was left to me in his will," he explained once seeing the look on my face. When we drove past the gate, he got out and locked it once more. The road leading to Drew's house was very curvy and narrow, but I was hoping that the drive would be worth it.
Eventually a house came into view, and my jaw dropped in awe. A beautiful cabin made of what seemed to be oak was before me, and large glass windows were dotting the front. A small porch light illuminated the red wooden door, and a larger yard lamp gave some light to the second floor.
"This is your house?!" I asked astonished.
"Yep!" Drew replied. I wonder why he doesn't use it. I had no time to think of such questions, for I noticed that Drew was trying to grab all of his stuff. I grabbed all of mine as well and followed him inside.
"We'll be staying here for a while," he explained, flipping a light switch,"drop your stuff anywhere; we can put it all up later." I followed my orders and looked around. The couch was old and plush, with a patched quilt hanging over it. An old carriage wheel with Christmas lights served as a chandelier, and the kitchen was all polished wood with stainless steel appliances.
"It's beautiful..." I whispered, looking out the back window. We were on the side of a mountain, and a whole valley was below us, with more mountains in the distance.
"The house is fine..." Drew said, walking up to stand beside me. "The view is okay. I've seen more beautiful things." I turned around and looked at him like he was crazy.
"Like what? This is what people strive to see everyday!" I replied. He laughed and stepped closer, hugging me to him.
"Who needs pretty houses or attractive views when you have the world's most precious jewel right in your hands?" He asked. My cheeks flushed with the color scarlet, and I mumbled a quick thanks under my breath.
"Hey you," Drew breathed, tilting my chin up to look at him,"I truly mean that. You know I do, right?" His eyes were sparking like the sun on an emerald, and sincerity coated his voice.
"Right," I whispered. I tried to look down again, but he was too quick for me.
     My first real kiss was with a boy I didn't really know when I was eighteen years old. Right before the incident happened, I felt the words of a heart stopping sentence that was too quiet for a mouse to hear.
     "I love you Natalie..."

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