Flashback 1

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     I was working away scrubbing counters at my job in the town coffeehouse. That day was an open mic event, so I often found myself singing along with those who were on stage. People passed in and out as they always did, but one particular person in the back stayed in his place. Every time I looked up, his eyes were on me. He had a curious look about him that made me wonder if I was just so plain that people couldn't help but wonder if I was actually alive.
"Excuse me?" The boy called as I wiped the counter next to him. "Can you have a seat please?" He gestured to the empty chair across from him, and I sat down. He was fairly handsome; dirty blonde hair, oceanic eyes, and freckles dotted his face. He has the looks of a nineteen year old...only a one-year difference. He seemed harmless.
     "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked. He shook his head and just nodded at my arm. I knew what was there.
     "Those are awfully peculiar marks on your arm," he pointed out. "They look like burns. What happened?" Stupid work uniform...why couldn't you have sleeves?! I couldn't help but wonder why this random stranger took such interest in me. I looked at his arms, and I noticed some markings as well. They didn't look like burns, so I interrogated back.
     "I could ask the same to you," I replied, looking him in the face. He raised his eyebrows but remained silent.
"You're a different little fish aren't you?" He asked.
"Big sea," I replied,"don't like me? Throw me back." I noticed a flush of color rush to his cheeks.
"How would you like to have dinner sometime?" He asked. This is new, I thought. People don't ask me out.
     "M-Me?" I stuttered. My dumb anxiety just had to kick in. I thought I was over it.
     "Yes, you. I find you to be an interesting subject to observe, so I can imagine that you would be able to hold an intelligent conversation. What do you say?" He replied. I flipped the idea a few times in my head and finally agreed. What's the worst that could happen?
"Fantastic!" He cheered. "Meet me here Saturday at two o'clock and we can find something to do!"
"I-I'll be here.." I trailed off. I really needed to get back to work, but I couldn't just leave the guy that I now had a date with. I looked around the shop and saw that my work had doubled since I sat down, and I felt my stress levels rise.
"You can go back to work if you want," the boy said. "I know it must be stressful. I must be going anyway. Busy, busy, busy..." I stood up to leave, but he snapped his fingers to grab my attention as soon as I did.
"Oh! Before I leave you here, won't you bring me a cup of coffee to go?" He asked.
"You're wish is my command," I replied. I sort of regretted that as soon as I said it, for some customers take it very seriously and demand that the employees do crazy things. "What kind of coffee would you like?"
"The way you make yours," he answered. That's an awfully strange request. Alright... I walked towards the counter to get a to go cup, and I filed it with French Roast coffee, a splash of creamer, and three sugars. I used to drink my coffee black until an old friend changed my ways. I headed back to the table with the cup in hand, and the boy I had just met was no longer there. Instead, he was by the door.
"There you go!" I cheered, handing it to him. He took a sip and nodded his head.
"Lovely...very good. I have coffee to keep my brain active and you now have food for thought." He said, staring off into space.
I couldn't help but to ask,"How so?" The boy opened the door, smiled back at me, and walked out. My phone buzzed a few seconds later. It read:
You don't even know my name yet Natalie.

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