14. This place

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Title: This place
Country: India
Author:  @tusitasinha

Let's take a walk
through this place
I found a man
near a snow covered lake
He said something I didn't understand
moved his flock of sheep and ran
Next I found myself in a barren land
The women laughed and trudged through the sand
The scene changed 
To shades of blue
The sky above and the ocean at my toes
Kids and Surfers and People in bathing suits
playing and laughing and enjoying the fruits
These are some places I describe
for there's not enough pages
I have 29 states to write
This place is unlike any
Cultures and languages it has many.
Each state has a different story
A unique history that shines in it's own glory
We are 29 different states united as one
This place has to offer more than just Taj Mahal.
The churches in Goa.
The temples in Orissa,
Uttrakhand and places.
The mosque in Delhi.
The Golden Temple in Amritsar.
Buddhism in Bodh Gaya.
The religions and language and traditions and cultures
There's diversity but there's also unity
This place is hope
This place is strength
This place is together.
And that is why I love This Place.

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