4. A big land with a sweet soul

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Title: A big land, with a sweet little soul
Author: ttarinyaa
Country: [Victoria], Australia

I come from Australia,
where the land is vast, barren
and filled with azaleas.

I come from Australia where a murder startles you
And when a gun fires you're surprised Not for those who live in the countryside.

We don't ride kangaroos to school
In case you were wondering.
The farmers spend there days with sheep and wool.

I come from Australia
where people live so far out
That doctors have to take a jet
just to check your mouth.

I come from Australia
where 7 out of 10 people live in cities
And we long to dream as we sing ditties.

I come from Australia
A country so isolated from the world
But somehow we manage
With our sails swinging and unfurled.

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