Marshmallow v. M&Ms

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animegirlyellow : Here's a would you rather for everyone. Would you rather go in a pool of Marshmallows or a pool full of M&Ms?

Kanda: Neither, I hate sweets.
Lavi: Nor can you swim.
Kanda: Shut the fuck up.
Lavi: Eesh.....
Allen: BOOOOOTH!!!!!!!!
Tyki: I want koi
Kanda: tch fish fucker.
Sheryl: hey no kink shaming
Kanda: says the one with every fucking kink.
Sheryl: I'd choose M&Ms my dear *smiles* as much as I like marshmallows they get your fingers all powdery I'd prefer not to have that on my junk.
Allen: who said anything about skinny dipping?
Sheryl: I did.
Allen: of course....
Lavi: Well Lenalee and Road are out doing girl stuff... So...,
Sheryl: how about an oragy?~
Kanda: how about, NO.

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