Chapter 10

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~Harry's POV~

The film had just started and Laura was already sitting on my lap, her face buried in my shirt and her arms tightly wrapped around me. I couldn't do anything but laugh at her behaving. Till now, nothing even happened. She was obviously really scared and I couldn't imagine anything more cute. I wondered why she had these kind of films when she wasn't even able to see them without peeing in her pants. I didn't asked though, afraid that she would unclasp herself from me.

I watched the film and stroked over Laura's smooth hair from time to time when she let out an extra terrified squeal. In the film someone had a car crash because of the demons that haunted the driver. About an hour after the film started, Laura started shaking in my arms. I looked down at her, and saw that she was crying a bit. I immediately switched the tv off and forced her to look up at me with my hand under her chin. She tried to not let my eyes meet hers, but my glare was so intense that she couldn't avoid it for long. Her cheeks were wet from the tears and she bit her lip, trying to control the quiet sobs that escaped from time to time. her eyes still brimmed with tears and I wiped them away with my thumb. 

She obviously relaxed immediately at the touch of my thumb on her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I took in her beauty and leaned in and kissed each one of her closed eyelids. That obviously caught her off guard and brought her back to reality. Her eyes fluttered open and stared at me with an unreadable expression.She wiped quickly her tears from her cheeks before standing up abruptly, leaving me confused. She stroked over her shirt in an attempt to smooth the wrinkles out. 

Then she looked at me with an hard expression, deep in thought.

"You should leave now." She said sternly. I furrowed my eyebrows together in a deep frown but stood up anyway. I hadn't the intention to leave after what just happened.

"What?" I asked totally confused. Why did she wanted me to leave after she cried in my arms. I at least wanted to know the reason for her breakdown. 

She looked me up and down and motioned towards the door. "I think you heard me. It's better if you leave now." She demanded again, crossing her arms in front of her chest, standing her ground.

"No! I won't leave! At least explain me what that was all about?" I fired back. In her eyes flashed by an expression of pain and she obviously wasn't going to tell me.

"I said you should leave now." She said through gritted teeth, standing her ground. I huffed and sat down on the couch again. If she wasn't going to tell me, I wasn't going to give in. I could tell that she was getting annoyed by my attitude, but her big sad eyes still held most of the emotion. 

She uncrossed her arms and held them out towards me, grabbed my arms and tried to pull me up. I couldn't help but smirk at her. Did she really think that her thin arms and little hands could make me move? As she noticed that this wasn't going anywhere she was really pissed. She ran a hand through her hair and walked over to the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows. What was she doing? She grabbed the keys and slipped on a brown pair of toms before opening the door. I got up immediately and waited for her to explain what she was doing.

"I'm going to leave now. when I return you better won't be here anymore." She threatened me and the next thing I knew was that the door was being shut and I was all alone in the apartment. I sighed and ran a hair through my hair.

What had happened in the film that caused her to break down?

Why didn't she wanted to talk about it?

And most importantly: where was she going now?

So many question and I couldn't answer a single one. I just hoped that she wouldn't be going to that prick of neighbour. In just his boxers. With this perfect six pack. And styled hair. God, I really don't want her to be there. What if he touches her? What if they kiss? 

I need to clench my fists just at the thought of Laura in someone else's arms. Wow, I was deeper that I thought I was. I need to calm my nerves.

I got up and made my way over to the kitchen. I searched through the drawers for a snack, but I could find none. The only thing I found was a half full bottle of vodka. I shrugged and opened it and set it at my lips to drink. I didn't usually drink, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. So I gulped a few drams before walking in the living room and plopping down on the couch. I brought the bottle to my lips again and swallowed a bit more of the bitter tasting liquid. The alcohol burned in my mouth as I drank more and more. 

I totally lost the feeling of time and after what seemed like only a few minutes, I had drank almost half of the remain that had been still in the bottle before I'd started drinking from it. My vision was blurry and my mind clouded. I tried standing up, but that caused my head to turn, so I stayed where I was. I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

Why wasn't Laura back again? I needed to talk to her. What if she was still with that asshole of neighbour? I couldn't risk that, so I forced myself up and stumbled towards the door. I almost fell over two times before I finally grasped the cold metal of the doorknob and turned it around, causing the door to fly open. I didn't even bothered to close it behind me before I made my way over to the apartment beside Laura's where a few hours earlier the guy had opened the door for me.

I knocked, or more like pounded on the door, waiting for him to open up. Only a few seconds after, the same guy opened the door again in just his boxers. That gave me a feeling of disgust and all i wanted to do was punch him straight in the face. But then he probably wouldn't be able anymore if he'd seen Laura, so I needed to contain myself. I closed my eyes before speaking, trying to hold my anger inside.

"Wh-where's iss LLLaura?" I slurred and tried to look past him in the flat. He just gave me amused smirk.

"Mate, how much have you been drinking?" He asked and chuckled quietly. I felt my anger boil inside of me and shoved him roughly.

"Where is she?" I forced myself to speak clear and took in his still amused expression as he moved forwards again, obviously not very intimidated by me. He laid a hand on my chest and pushed me slightly.

"Listen here. It would be better for you if you just moved out of my sight." He said with a smut look on his face. My fist were clenched tightly at my sides.

"So she's in there?" I asked, raising my voice. Why would she go to him and talk to him instead of me? What does he have that I don't? 

"Yes she is. And I would rather have you to fuck off." He spit at me and I looked at him completely on fir. I raised my fist, about to punch him right in his dear face when someones voice interrupted me.

"Patrick? Who is it?" Laura's voice called from inside the apartment and I felt my world crash down on me. So she really was in there. The stupid smirk appeared again on his face as he answered.

"No one babe! It's no one." He called back, looking me directly in the eye the entire time. I flinched at the word 'babe' and felt the anger boil up inside me again. "And you, dear Harry Styles, better fuck off. I know what bullshit you are telling her and she doesn't deserve such a lying idiot as boyfriend as you are. I know exactly who you are, so don't you dare trying to play tricks on me. Sooner or later she'll find out who you really are, and if you aren't gone in the next ten seconds, she'll know it from me. Right now." Then he started counting down from ten and I coudn't help the horrified expression that was now visible on my face.

I really did wanted Laura to come with me and talk to me, but I couldn't risk her knowing what I've been holding from her. So I give him one last glare before stomping off, direction elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now