Chapter 7

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~Laura's POV~

"Laura! Where were you?" I was immediately greeted by the yelling of my boss, Sandra.

"I'm sorry. There was an enormous traffic jam on the high way." I tried to apologise, even if I knew, that there wasn't the slightest chance for her to take the apologise.

"It's the second time this week. You can't always come late!" She continued shouting and was tapping her feet impatiently.

"I know and I swear it won't happen again." I whined, just waiting for her to let me go. But that obviously wasn't going to happen this easily.

She sighed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "But what if it will? I need a waitress on which I can count and not someone who comes when he wants to. I don't know if I can tolerate this anymore." She looked now very pissed off and my facial expression fell.

"What? No! You can't do this! I need this job, please!" I begged, now practically on my knees.

"Listen. You get one last chance. But if you ever come late again, you'll be out of here as fast as I can say sandwich! Understood?" She demanded.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded my head, before storming in the eating area of the restaurant where many impatient guests were seated.

I put on my best fake smile before making my way over to a table with an older couple. They were so old, yet so in love. I could see it in the way they were looking at each other.

"Hello. My name's Laura and I will be your waitress tonight. What do you want to drink?" I asked while eyeing the guests. They both smiled at me and shared a look.

"We'll have a glass of champagne, please." The man said and waited for me to note it. I smiled and nodded at him.

"Okay. Just call me whenever you're ready to order your meals." I shot them one last smile before turning around and jogging to the bar, where I told the bartender the old couples order.

I waited for him to fill up the glasses and looked around the restaurant. I spotted a few of my colleagues taking orders and putting on fake smiles for their clients.

A tap on my shoulder broke me out of my thoughts as I looked up and saw Zoe, one colleague of mine. I smiled at her, motioning her to tell me what she wants to tell me.

"Well, Laura, you see, I already have seven tables to take care of and you only have one. So could you please take all the new guests who enter? We have like four more reservations." She looked over stressed and I could totally understand that she was a bit annoyed by the end of the week.

She worked here five days a week and it was friday night, by far the busiest night of the week. I nodded quickly, a look of relief washed over her features.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. You don't even know how happy I am right now." She grinned at me and I smiled back.

"Don't worry about it. You worked enough for a week." I winked before snatching the two glasses of champagne and bringing them over to the lovely couple.

"Thanks honey." The woman said as I took out my block, ready to write down their orders.

"I'll take the steak and my lovely wife over there will have the lasagna." The man said and I wrote it down.

"It'll be here as soon as possible." I grinned and told the chef-cook, Anna-Maria their orders.

I exited the kitchen again and checked the room for new arrived guests. My gaze wandered over to a little table in a corner, where a boy with the back turned towards me was about to help a lovely girl take her coat off.

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now