Chapter 5

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~Laura's POV~

"We'll play truth or dare." Louis announced. I sighed. Luckily it isn't any creepy game. But after all it still wasn't my first choice.

"Guys, can we please just watch a film or something?" I whined, but the boys were just amused by my pleading voice.

"Oh, we could. But nobody wants to." Louis said chuckling and sitting down in the middle of the living room. I rolled my eyes and groaned, turning around to face Edward on which's lap I was still sitting. He was smirking too and just shrugged when I asked him for help.

"Why did you even brought me here?" I asked Louis, wishing to be back in my flat.

"So we can become friends!" He exclaimed overly excited and jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes and asked myself why I would want friends like these?

My thoughts were interrupted by Edward, who whispered in my ear.

"I think this could be fun. C'mon." I stood up from his lap and joined the other boys in the middle of the living room. I took a deep breath and sat down. The other boys all just smirked at me.

"Boys, can you please stop staring." I said a little annoyed and they immediately looked in other directions, blushing.

"I..uh..guess we haven't met properly yet." I said awkwardly, realising that I've probably been a little too harsh. They all beamed at me.

"As you probably know, I'm Zayn." A guy with nice styled black hair said and held out his hand for me to shook. Louis slapped his palm against his forehead. I was confused. Should I know him?

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I asked him and his wide smile turned into a shocked expression. The other two boys stared at me too.

"Y-you don't know On-" Zayn started, but Harry cut him of by shouting "Aaahhh!" Then he pulled the three boys, which names I still don't know, up and dragged them out of the room.

I looked over at Louis, who shook his head, laughing.

"Louis, what's wrong with them?" I asked amused. He looked over at me and winked.

"Oh if you only knew.."

What? What was that supposed to mean? I was about to ask him what he meant with that, but I was interrupted by the boys coming back and sitting down.

"Well love, my name's Niall." A cute, blond haired, blue eyed boy introduced himself.

"Well cutie, my name's Laura." I giggled and tried to speak with an irish accent. He looked at me with an what-the-heck look and then I burst out into laughter.

"I wont do that ever again." I managed to say in between laughing. Niall nodded.

"Would be better." He said bluntly and I continued chuckling.

"I'm Liam." A boy with short brown hair and brown puppy dog eyes told me as he smiled sweetly.

"Laura." I introduced myself for the second time today. Liam just nodded and smirked at me.

"Oh I know who you are." He winked and I opened my mouth, ready to ask him about why he knew who I was, but I was interrupted by Louis clapping his hands together.

"Alright lovelies!" He said in a high pitched girly voice, standing up and jumping around. "Let the games begin!" He shouted, sitting back down and I chuckled at his energy.

"Is he always this energetic?" I whispered to Niall, who just laughed an adorable laugh and nodded.

"Okay, who begins?" Zayn asked looking at us. Edward was the first one who answered.

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now