Chapter 9

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~Harry's POV~

"Who was that?" Lou asked with a wink. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her remark.

"Laura. She's a friend." I told her without revealing too much, so that she would actually stop talking about it.

"So, Laura huh?" She asked me and nudged my shoulder while starting to comb through my hair.

"Yes, we bumped into each other a few days ago and I was just checking on her." I tried to explain why I called her, even if I made it sound like I was taking care of her or something.

"Okay..If you say so.." Lou continued teasing me, but it seemed that she was going to drop the subject. But much to my luck (not), Liam stormed in and tapped my shoulder. I hoped he wouldn't talk about yesterday, when I practically jumped in the air out of happiness when Liam told me that Laura was a waitress in the restaurant he was in with Danielle. But I wasn't so lucky.

"So how did it work yesterday with Laura?" He said and laid a hand on my shoulder. I groaned and closed my eyes in annoyance. I could hear Lou snicker behind me.

"It was nice!" I shouted, throwing my arms in the air for a more dramatic effect. Liam was obviously caught off guard by my action because one off my hands connected with his cheek. He stumbled backwards, a shocked expression on his face that turned rapidly in an amused one.

"I was just asking! Gosh, no need to start a fight with me!" He joked and I was relieved that I didn't hurt him and that he wasn't annoyed. Lou was laughing so hard, that I could see her eyes humiliating.

"He won't spill aything, I already tried it." Lou said when she finally calmed down again. Liam pouted and fell down on the seat next no me. "But he was on the phone with her when I came in his room."

Liam's eyes lit up wit amusement at the new chance op teasing me. I groaned and stood up from my chair. "So that's enough for today. I already told you guys that we were just friends, so you need to stop annoying me!" I yelled at them, but that didn't stop them at all. It was clear that I wasn't really angry.

"Yea, but you obviously want to be more." Liam said and him and Lou broke into a fit of laughter.

"So, that's it! I'm going to my room! Yell if you need me!" I stomped out of the room, showing my middle finger when I walked out. That only caused them to laugh harder, and I couldn't help but feeling embarrassed.

"Go on and call your girlfriend, we won't stop you!" Liam yelled behind me, making me roll my eyes even though he can't see me.

I reached my room and fell down on my bed. It was so comfortable and a yawn escaped my lips. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I was not tired anymore at all. The thought that it could be Laura had me awake in a matter of seconds.

I pulled my phone out of my tight jeans and didn't bothered to even look at the ID before picking up.

"Hello? Laura?"I asked, my voice full of hope that it would be the gorgeous brunette calling me. At the other end of the line, someone started laughing and I immediately understood that it was Lou calling me, just to make fun of me.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep joking." I said before hanging up. I fell back on my bed and played with my phone in my hand. I kept thinking about Laura and even when I tried to think of something else, my mind would always just come back to her beautiful smile and shining eyes.

I sighed and decided to text her, asking her for her plans for today. I quickly typed a message and send it and waited patiently for her reply. I just lay there for almost twenty minutes, waiting for her reply, when I decided to just drive by her apartment and see if she wants to hang out. We wouldn't be able to go out though, cause everyone would recognize me and we would be chased by paparazzi. Then Laura would know who I really am and never look at me the same again.

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang