Chapter 2

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~Laura's POV~

I switched off the tv where an old episode of how I met your mother was starting to annoy me. I sighed and stretched my arms out in front of me. I looked outside through the big windows and realised it was already dark outside. I sighed and stood up, making my way in my bedroom. It was still a total chaos, cause most of my stuff was still in the boxes or spread all over the floor. This would be much more work than I'd thought.

I decided that after this long and in some way irritating day I deserved a nice shower. I smiled at the thought of the hot water messaging my skin and grabbed some pyjama pants and a bra to sleep in.

I turned the shower off after 15 minutes relaxing. I felt refreshed and just so nice. I took a deep breath and wrapped a towel around me. I smelled like coconut and I loved it.

I put on the pants and my bra and looked at myself in the mirror and saw some black marks on my arm. I examined it and then I realised it was the phone number from this Edward. It was all smeared and total unreadable. I tried to make some numbers out, but there wasn't any chance that I was going to be able to read it. I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't anyway going to call him. I rubbed the rest of the marker off of me as I sat down on my bed and slipped under the duvet. I closet my eyes and fell immediately asleep.


One week has passed now since I moved here and I still hadn't met some new friends. I definitely needed to go out. All my stuff was now unpacked and the flat looked quite nice and like a new home to me. I clearly enjoyed living alone. I was so long in this boarding school and there were always people who had an eye on you and would criticise everything you do. It was just annoying and I loved the feeling of living alone and doing anything you wanted.

I'd passed the most of the week by unpacking boxes, sleep and eat. It was time to make party again and meet some people. I'd looked for some nice clubs in the area of my flat and had discovered this very nice one named Pacha and decided it would be the right club to start a social life here.

Right now I was standing in front of my closet, trying to figure out what I would wear tonight. I pulled out some dresses and picked out a embellished black and pink trim dress. It was one of my favourites and I've brought it a long time ago in Sydney. I slipped in my simple black heels and grabbed my purse with some money and my phone. I checked it, but clearly there wasn't any messages since I knew no one who could text me. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it already was past eight. I grabbed a black leather jacket and exited my flat into the cold night air.

~Harry's POV~

One week. One fucking week! I've sat in my room for one week now, just waiting for Laura to call me. But nothing happened. Not even a text like 'hey it's me, Laura!'. I was just so angry that I've let her go without having her number. But back then I've thought she would call me either way, but since that never happened I was so angry with myself. She wouldn't go out of my head, her beautiful dark brown hair, her golden-brown eyes and her cute voice. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her walk away, like that night when we met. I just wanted to see her again and be able to talk to her.

The boys tried everything to cheer me up a bit, but I was just not in the mood and everything irritated me. I just wanted her to call or text me, just wanted to know that I was still in her mind like she was in mine.

Then there was a knock on the door and Louis' head appeared in my room. He grinned at me but I just rolled my eyes and fixed my eyes again on my phone. Louis stepped in and came towards me, grabbing the phone from my lap and running out of my room. He has long disappeared when I realised what just had happened. Louis had my phone and he clearly wouldn't give it back to me. I chased after him, but there was no chance. He was locked in his room and probably hiding the phone in some secret hideout. I sighed and sat down on the floor, head in my hands.

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن